CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2013 > Social Science > Geography Climate By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)



  1. Describe the Mechanism of Monsoon.
  2. Define
    Monsoon- Jet Stream- EL NINO- SO- ENSO.
  3. Define the following:
    Monsoon Trough- Kaal Baisakhi- October Heat- Mango Showers
  4. Give a Brief Note on Retreating Monsoon( Effects, Way it covers, The areas that get rainfall etc)
  5. Mention some Special features of any two seasons in India.
  6. Differentiate between Weather and climate.
  7. Describe various factors that determine climate of an area.
  8. How does Monsoon Act as a Unifying Bond?
  9. What are the factors for Varied Climates within India?


Paper By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)
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