CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2013 > Social Science > Geography Natural Vegetation And Wild Life By Mrs. Krishna. Kota
Natural Vegetation And Wild Life
- Define :
Natural Vegetation- Forest- Biome- Endemic Vegetation- Exotic Vegetation
- Define the Following:
Bio Reserve- Barchans- Alpine Vegetation- Rain Forest- Deciduous Forest
- Mention any five feature of Evergreen Forests/ Deciduous Forests/ Thorny Forests/ Montane Forests/ Mangrove Forests
- Mention the three special Trees found in Thorny Forests and Montane forests. Why is there differences found in them? 3+2
- Mention the three special Animals found in Thorny Forests and Montane forests. Why is there differences found in them? 3+2
- Why should we to take care of conservation of Natural Vegetation and Wild life in India? OR What is the significance of the conservation of Natural Vegetation and Wild Life?
- Mention any two steps taken by our Government to conserve Natural Vegetation and Wild Life. Suggest some measures in this regard.
- Mention any Five Medicinal plants found in India and their Use (One point Each)
- Which Regions in India are Devoid of Good Forest cover and Why? 3+2
Paper By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)
E-mail :- srimatha.63@gmail.com |