CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2013 > Social Science > Geography Natural Vegetation And Wild Life By Mrs. Krishna. Kota


Natural Vegetation And Wild Life

  1. Define :
    Natural Vegetation- Forest- Biome- Endemic Vegetation- Exotic Vegetation
  2. Define the Following:
    Bio Reserve- Barchans- Alpine Vegetation- Rain Forest- Deciduous Forest
  3. Mention any five feature of Evergreen Forests/ Deciduous Forests/ Thorny Forests/ Montane Forests/ Mangrove Forests
  4. Mention the three special Trees found in Thorny Forests and Montane forests. Why is there differences found in them? 3+2
  5. Mention the three special Animals found in Thorny Forests and Montane forests. Why is there differences found in them? 3+2
  6. Why should we to take care of conservation of Natural Vegetation and Wild life in India? OR  What is the significance of the conservation of Natural Vegetation and Wild Life?
  7. Mention any two steps taken by our Government to conserve Natural Vegetation and Wild Life. Suggest some measures in this regard.
  8. Mention any Five Medicinal plants found in India and their Use (One point Each)
  9. Which Regions in India are Devoid of Good Forest cover and Why? 3+2


Paper By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)
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