CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2013 > Social Science > Geography Population By Mrs. Krishna. Kota
- Define the following :
Population- Birth Rate- Death Rate- Internal Migration- Push and Pull Effect
- Define the Following:
NSSO- Census- Density of Population- Adolescence- NPP-
- Explain the following terms with brief note:
Infant Mortality- Literacy and Education- Health as opined by the WHO- Dependent Age Groups- Virtuous Cycle-
- Which factors determine the Population of a Country/ Region?
- Which factors contribute to Internal or International Migration?
- What is the significance of Literacy, Health and Age Group in determining the quality of population?
- What is the Occupational Structure? How does it determine the economic status of a country?
- What are the steps taken up by our Government to ensure the
- Suggest five measures to Improve the quality of Population.
Paper By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)
E-mail :- srimatha.63@gmail.com |