CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2013 > Social Science > Geography Population By Mrs. Krishna. Kota



  1. Define the following :
    Population- Birth Rate- Death Rate- Internal Migration- Push and Pull Effect
  2. Define the Following:
    NSSO- Census-  Density of Population- Adolescence- NPP-
  3. Explain the following terms with brief note:
    Infant Mortality- Literacy and Education- Health as opined by the WHO- Dependent Age Groups- Virtuous Cycle-
  4. Which factors determine the Population of a Country/ Region?
  5. Which factors contribute to Internal or International Migration?
  6. What is the significance of Literacy, Health and Age Group in determining the quality of population?
  7. What is the Occupational Structure? How does it determine the economic status of a country?
  8. What are the steps taken up by our Government to ensure the
  9. Suggest five measures to Improve the quality of Population.


Paper By Mrs. Krishna. Kota (M.A., B.Ed.)
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