CBSE Important Questions

Mathmatics Class IX


  1. A coin is tossed 1000 times with the following frequencies:
    Head: 455, Tail: 545 compute the probability for each event.
  2. Two coins are tossed simultaneously 500 times, and we get- Two heads: 105 times,
    One head: 275 times, No head: 120 times, find the probability of occurrence of each of these events.
  3. A die is thrown 1000 times with the frequencies for the outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as given in the following table:
Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 179 150 157 149 1175 190

    Find the probability of getting each outcome.

  1. The record of a weather station shows that out of the past 250 consecutive days, its weather forecasts were correct 175 times.
    (i) What is the probability that on a given day it was correct?
    (ii) What is the probability that it was not correct on a given day?
  1. The percentage (%) of the marks obtained by a student in the monthly unit test are given below:
Unit test I II III IV V
Percentage (%) of the marks obtained 69 71 73 68 74

    Based on this data, find the probability that the student gets more than 70% marks in a unit test.

  1. An insurance company selected 2000 drivers at random (i.e. without any preference of one driver over another) in a particular city to find a relationship between age and accidents. The data obtained are given in the following table:

Age of  drivers (in years

                            Accidents in one year

0 1 2 3 Over 3
18-29 440 160 110 61 35
30-50 505 125 60 22 18
Above 50 360 45 35 15 9

    Find the probabilities of the following events for a driver chosen at random from the city:
    (i) Being 18-29 years of age and having exactly 3 accidents in one year.
    (ii) Being 30-50 years of age and having one or more accidents in a year.
    (iii) Having no accidents in one year.

  1. In a cricket match, a batswoman hits a boundary 6 times out of 30 balls she plays. Find the probability that she did not hit a boundary.
  2. 1500 families with 2 children were selected randomly, and the following data were recorded:
Numbers of girls in a family 2 1 0
Number of families 475 814 211

    Compute the probability of a family, chosen at random, having
    (i) 2 girls
    (ii) 1 girl
    (iii) No girl.

  1. Three coins are tossed simultaneously 200 times with the following frequencies of different outcomes:
Outcome 3 heads 2 heads 1 head No head
Frequency 23 72 77 28

    If the three coins are simultaneously tossed again, compute the probability of 2 heads coming up.

  1. An organization selected 2400families at random and surveyed them to determine a relationship between income level and the number of vehicles in a family, the information gathered is listed in the table below:
Monthly in come
 (in Rs)
                  Vehicles per family
0 1 2 Above 2
Less than 7000 10 160 25 0
7000-10000 0 305 27 2
10000-13000 1 535 29 1
13000-16000 2 469 59 25
16000 or more 1 579 82 88

    Suppose a family is chosen. Find the probability that the family chosen is
    (i) Earning Rs 10000-13000 per month and owing exactly 2 vehicles.
    (ii) Earning Rs 16000 or more per month and owning exactly 1 vehicle.
    (iii) Earning less than Rs 7000 per month and does not own any vehicle.
    (iv) Earning Rs 13000-16000 per month and owning more than 2 vehicles.
    (v) Owning not more than 1 vehicle.

  1. Eleven bags of wheat flour, each marked 5 kg, actually contained following weights of flour (in kg): 4.97 5.05 5.08 5.03 5.00 5.06 5.08 4.98 5.04 5.07 5.00 find the probability that any of these Bags chosen at random contains more than 5 kg of flour.
Submitted By: Amit Kumar Jha