Area of Parallelogram and Triangle
Section A
Prove that followings:
- Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area.
- Two triangles on the same base (or equal base) and between the same parallels are equal in area.
- Two triangles having the same base (or equal bases) and equal areas lie between the same parallels.
- If a triangles and a parallelogram are on the same base and between the same parallels, then prove that the area of the triangle is equal to half the area of the parallelogram.
- In ABCD is parallelogram and EFCD is a rectangle.
Also, AL ┴ DC. Prove that
(i) ar (ABCD) = (EFCD)
(ii) ar (ABCD) = DCxAL.

Section B
- ABCD is a parallelogram, AE DC and CF AD. If AB =16cm, AE=8cm and CF=10cm, find AD.
- If E, F, G and H are respectively the mid-points of the sides of a parallelogram ABCD, show that ar (EFGH) =1/2 ar (ABCD).
- P and Q are any two points lying on the sides DC and AD respectively of parallelogram ABCD. Show that ar (APB) =ar (BQC).
- P is a point in the interior of a parallelogram ABCD. Show that
(i) ar (APB) +ar ( PCD) =!/2 ar ( ABCD)
(ii) ar (APD) +ar (PBC) =ar (APB) + ar (PCD)
- In a triangle ABC, E is the mid- point of median AD. Show that ar (BED) =1/4 ar (ABC).
- Show that the diagonals of a parallelogram divide it into four triangle of equal area.
- D, E and F are respectively the mid- points of the sides BC, CA and AB of a ΔABC show that
(i) BDEF is a parallelogram.
(ii) ar (DEF)= ¼ ar (ABC)
(iii) ar (BDEF)= ½ ar (ABC).
- D and E are points on sides AB and AC respectively of ΔABC such that ar (DBC) = ar (EBC). Prove that DE||BC.
- XY is a line parallel to side BC of a triangle ABC. If BE ||AC and CF||AB meet XY at E and F respectively, Show that ar ( ABE) = ar (ACF)
- Diagonals AC and BD of a trapezium ABCD with AB||DC intersect each other at O. Prove that ar (AOD) =ar (BOC).
- ABCD is a trapezium with AB||DC. A line parallel to AC intersects AB at X and BC at Y. Prove that ar (ADX)=ar (ACY).
- Diagonal AC and BD of a quadrilateral ABCD intersect at O in such a way that ar (AOD) = ar (BOC). Prove that ABCD is a trapezium.