CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2008 > Maths > Mathematics By :- Ajay Singh


Q. 1.Find the sum of first 25 terms of an ap whose nth term is 1-4n

Q. 2. in an AP the sum of it’s first n terms is Nsquare+2n.find its 18th term.

Q. 3. if fifth term of an AP is 0 ,show that its 33rd term is four times its 12th term

Q. 4. if the Nth term of an AP is (2n+1),find the sum of first n terms of the AP

Q. 5. find the sum of first 15 terms of an AP WHOSE Nth term is 9-5n.

Q. 6. IF M TIMES THE Mth term is equal to the n times the Nth term. find it’s (m+n)th term.

Q. 7. the ratio of the sum of n terms of two AP is (4n+2): (3n+47).find the ratio of the 9th term.

Q. 8. if the Pth term of an AP is 1/q and the Qth term is 1/p,then find the sum of its first 20 terms.

Q. 9. the 8th term of an AP is 0 .prove that its 38th term is triple it’s 18th term.

Q. 10. if the sum of first m terms of an AP is equal to n and the sum of first n terms of an AP is equals to m ,then show that the sum of (m+n) terms is equal to (m+n).