CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Indian Awakening (Solved)

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Question .1. Mention any two changes introduced in administration of British empire in India after 1857.

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Question .2. State two social reforms advocated by Arya Samaj.

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Question .3. Give two main features of Indian economy in the 18th century.

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Question .4. In which two ways the British government disrupted the traditional Indian social and economic relationship.

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Question .5. Name any two social reformers of South India who dedicated their lives to the uplift of women and castes.

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Question .6. State the factors that contributed to the rise in social reform movement in India.

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Question .7. Is the rise of nationalism a result of social reform movements ?

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Question .8. State the contribution of ‘Swami Dayanand’ in the field of education.

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Question .9. How did the social reformers improve the life of the Indian women in 19 th century?

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Question .10. State the evils related to women in the Indian society during the 19 th century.  

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Question .11. Who founded Brahmo Samaj?

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Question .12. State contributions of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.

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Question .13. State two Muslim reform movement with their leaders.

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Question .14. State the features of British educational policy.

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Question .15. State the names of social reformers of Western India with their contributions.

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Question .16. Why was social reform necessary in 19 th century India? Examine the evils that crept in the society and religion of that period.

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Question .17. How did the growth of Indian literature help in generating national awakening in 19 th century India?

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Question .18. Examine the importance of Theosophical Society in reviewing the Hindu religion and philosophy.

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Question .19. What was the impact of social reform movement of 19 th century on Indian society?

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Question .20. Describe the reforms of Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the social and educational field.

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Question .21. What were the reasons for slow industrial progress in India during the British rule?

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Question .22. Mention the chief features of social religious movements in India during the British rule.

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Question .23. Explain the contribution of Prarthana Samaj in the field of social reform.

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Question .24. Examine the role of press in promoting national consciousness among the people in the 19 th century.

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Question .25.  Explain the role of Raja Rammohan Roy in improving the condition of Indian women.

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Question .26. Examine the main features of 19 th century society.

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Question .27.  Why did the condition of Indian peasant was deterioted during the British rule?

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Question .28. State the main features of Ahmediya Movement.

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Question .29. Who founded Ramakrishna Mission? State the steps taken by the mission for social service.

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Question .30. State the basic principles of the social reform movement in India.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]