CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Forest and Water Resources (Solved)

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Question .1. State the four main vegetation regions of India.

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Question .2. State ‘biosphere reserve’ with examples.

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Question .3. Why is conservation of wildlife essential?

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Question .4. What do you mean by National Park?

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Question .5. What are reserve forests?

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Question .6. What is the percentage area coverage of forest land in India?

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Question .7. Is irrigation necessary in India? If yes, why?

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Question .8. State two areas where canal irrigation has developed lot of net sown area under irrigation.

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Question .9. What is a river valley project?

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Question .10. State the names of states of India where 40% of net sown area are under irrigation.

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Question .11. What do you mean by watershed development?

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Question .12. What do you mean by rainwater harvesting?

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Question .13. What are the plans taken into consideration for watershed development?

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Question .14. What are the two basic needs of life?

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Question .15. There is a yawning gap between demand and supply of water. Why?

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Question .16. State the causes of growing scarcity of water.

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Question .17. State the names of states where tank irrigation is common.

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Question .18. State the major resources of irrigation. Which of them is most widespread?

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Question .19. State the names of intensely irrigated area in India.

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Question .20. State the percentage of net sown area under irrigation in India. Name the state with the maximum and minimum net sown area under irrigation.

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Question .21. Classify the forest according to their density.

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Question .22. Differentiate between forest area and forest cover.

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Question .23. State the minimum desired area under forest. State the name of an area with the maximum and minimum area under forest.

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Question .24. Name the area which have less than 10% of the area under forest.

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Question .25.  Name the animals of the Himalayan ranges.

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Question .26. Give any four ways in which forests contribute towards our economic development.

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Question .27. What percentage of water is used for irrigation? Why?

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Question .28. Why are the Himalayan rivers perennial? Why are peninsular rivers seasonal?

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Question .29. Describe replenishable groundwater resources of India.

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Question .30. How will you classify the forest for the purpose of administration?

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Question .31. State the advantages of social forestry and farm forestry.

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Question .32. State the name of animals associated with the following places:

(i) West Bengal,

(ii) Rann of Kachch,

(iii) Assam,

(iv) Gir,

(v) Kerala and

(vi) Thar desert.

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Question .33. What is Van Mahotsava? How conservation of forest can be contributed by us?

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Question .34.    What is conservation of wetlands in India?

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Question . 35. What is the objectives of Multipurpose River Valley Projects. Give examples.

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Question .36. Name one National Park each of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Why are elephants found mainly in Assam. Kerala and Karnaka?

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Question .37. “Availability of water varies from place to place and time to time in India.” Explain the statement with one example of each.

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Question .38. Describe the importance of water in life.

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Question .39. Differentiate between Himalayan and Peninsular rivers.

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Question .40. How forests are useful to man?

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Question .41. How will you provide efficient management of our water resources?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]