CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Agriculture (Solved)

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Question .1. What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy?

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Question .2. Name three features of Indian agriculture.

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Question .3. What is plantation agriculture?

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Question .4. Name three important wheat producing states in India.

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Question .5. Name three sugarcane producing states of the country.

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Question .6. Mention spice producing areas of India.

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Question .7. Name three tobacco producing states of India.

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Question .8. Which states make up for over two-third of the cattle population?

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Question .9. Which animal is called poor man’s cow? Give its distribution.

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Question .10. State the advantages of Biotechnology.

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Question .11. Distinguish between Shifting and Subsistence agriculture.

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Question .12. Distinguish between Rabi and Kharif Crops.

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Question .13. Distinguish between Dry and Wet agriculture.

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Question .14. Differentiate between Tea and Coffee cultivation.

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Question .15. Describe the condition required for Jute and its distribution.

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Question .16. What is the sowing and harvesting period of Kharif season. Name two main crops of Kharif season.

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Question . 17. Which is the staple food crop of India? Write four major producing area of that crop.

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Question .18. Indian cattle are in great demand in the international market. Explain one reason. Also, explain two reasons why agricultural animals are more important to farmers?

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Question .19. Explain food security.

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Question .20. Describe the impact of globalization on Indian agriculture.

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Question .21. What is the importance of animal husbandry in India?

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Question .22. Describe the rice cultivation in India.

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Question .23. ‘Despite the Green Revolution, the food production has started to show a declining trend;. How?

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Question .24. What is the new technology in agriculture? Describe its significance in the development of Indian agriculture with three examples.

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Question .25. Name the two main food crops of India. Mention three major producing areas of each crop.

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Question .26. What are millets? Why are millets very important food crops in India? Explain with the help of three points.

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Question .27. “Wheat and Rice farming in India are fairly different from each other.” Explain with the help of four points.

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Question .28. “It is said that India produces almost every crop under the sun.” Explain this statement with four examples.

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Question .29. How is Rice farming different from Wheat farming in respect of the following? :

(a) Sowing and harvesting time.

 (b) Rainfall / irrigation requirements.

(c) Areal distribution.

(d) Yield per hectare.

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Question .30. Describe the various technological and institutional reforms, which led to Green and White revolutions in India.

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Question .31. What steps should be done to improve the present state of agriculture in India.

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Question Q.32. What is implied by ‘Operation Flood’? How can it supplement the meager income of the small and marginal farmers?

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Question .33. On the outline map of India, identify major crop for the following states:

(i) Kerala

(ii) Karnataka

(iii) Assam

(iv) Uttar Pradesh

(v) Maharastra

(vi) Punjab

(vii) Weast Bengal.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]