CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Mineral and Energy Resources (Solved)

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Question .1. Give three examples of metallic and three examples of non-metallic minerals.

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Question .2. Name four important iron ore producing states of India.

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Question .3. Name four manganese ore producing states of India.

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Question .4. Name four bauxite producing states.

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Question .5. Name three states which are known for the production of mica.

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Question .6. What are conventional sources of energy?

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Question .7. What are commercial sources of energy?

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Question .8. Name six non-commercial sources of energy.

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Question .9. Name three most important coal producing states of India.

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Question .10. Mention three areas where petroleum is found in India.

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Question .11.  Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals.

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Question .12. Differentiate between Commercial and Non-Commercial energy.

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Question .13. Differentiate between conventional sources of energy and Non-conventional sources of energy.

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Question .14. Differentiate between Anthracite and Bituminous coal.

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Question .15. Differentiate between Natural gas and Biogas.

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Question .16. Where is the largest wind farm located?

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Question .17. Where is the largest solar farm located? State some uses of solar energy.

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Question .18. State the name of minerals in which India is self sufficient and in which poor.

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Question .19. State varieties of iron ores.

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Question .20. State uses of limestone and largest producer state of lime stone.

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Question .21. State any three successful applications of solar energy in our life.

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Question .22. Write briefly two merits of water as a source of power.

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Question .23. Write briefly two merits of water power.

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Question .24. Why do you think that solar energy has a bright future in India?

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Question .25. Describe the distribution of iron ore in India.

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Question .26. Describe the distribution of coal in India.

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Question .27. How will you use and conserve energy efficiently?

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Question .28. Describe any two facts regarding the importance of manganese in our daily life. Also name the four states which are known for its production.

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Question .29.Describe any two facts regarding the importance of bauxite. Name the four major states which are known for its production.

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Question .30. What are the two main qualities of iron ore deposits of India? Name the two types of iron ore mainly found in the country. Which are the two states known for the production of iron ore.

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Question .31. “Hydel power is more important source of energy than thermal power”. Discuss this facts with four examples.

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Question .32. Why is coal called the most important source of energy even today? Explain any four reasons.

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Question .33. State the facts about iron-ore found in India with reference to the following:

(i) two types of ores,

 (ii) leading states in their deposits,

(iii) two exporting ports, and

 (iv) major destination of the exports.  

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Question .34. State the facts about coal found in India with reference to the following:

(i) Their total reserves

(ii) Annual production

(iii) Two important coal fields

(iv) Two major uses.

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Question .35. State two main uses of Copper. Also, mention four major Copper producing districts of India.

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Question .36. On the outline map of India, show the distribution of the following:

(i) Bauxite

(ii) Manganese

(iii) Copper

(iv) Gold

(v) Refineries and pipelines

(vi) Iron.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]