CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Manufacturing Industries (Solved)

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Question .1. Name three physical factors that affect location of industries.

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Question .2. Name three human inputs that control location of industries.

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Question .3. What are light industries?

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Question .4. Name four important cotton textile centre of Maharastra.

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Question .5. Name two most important sugar producing states of India.

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Question .6. Name two iron and steel producing plants each of Karnataka and West Bengal.

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Question .7. Name five electronic goods producing centre of India.

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Question . 8. What is the annual production of cement in the country at present?

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Question .9. Name three engine manufacturing centre.

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Question .10. Name four industries causing water pollution.

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Question .11. Name some woolen textile centre in the North and South.

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Question .12. Why are most of the jute mills of India located in West Bengal?

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Question .13. Why is the iron and steel industry located in peninsular India only?

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Question . 14. Describe briefly the distribution of textile industry in India.

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Question .15. Describe briefly the distribution of silk textile industry in India.

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Question .16. Differentiate between Cotton textile and Iron & steel.

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Question .17. Differentiate between Agro-based Industries and Mineral-based Industries.

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 Question .18. Give an account of the sugar industry in India.

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Question .19. Most of the cotton textile mills located in Maharastra and Gujarat. Why?

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Question .20. Account for the synthetic fibres under the headings:

(i) Raw material

(ii) Advantage

(iii) Distribution.

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Question .21. State the importance and distribution of the Aluminium industries.

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Question .22. Why is iron & steel industry called a heavy and basic industry? Give two reasons for each.

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Question .23. Why have most of the iron and steel plants been set up in the Public Sector? Explain four reasons.

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Question .24. On the outline map of India locate the textile mills, mineral based industries.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]