CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Economic Development : An Introduction (Solved)

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Question .1. What is economic development?

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Question .2. Define national income.

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Question .3. What is per capita income?

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Question .4. What is economic activity?

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Question .5. What is non-economic activity?

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Question .6. What is economy?

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Question .7. What do you mean by developed country?

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Question .8. What do you mean by developing country?

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Question .9. Define the term enterprise.

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Question .10. Explain the meaning of private sector with suitable examples.

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Question .11. Explain the meaning of public sector with suitable examples.

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Question .12. Explain the meaning of joint sector enterprises with suitable examples.

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Question .13. What do you mean by economic decision making?

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Question .14. Define the term market.

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Question .15. What do you mean by demand?

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Question .16. What do you mean by supply?

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Question .17. State the situation at which price of a commodity is determined.

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Question .18. State any two factors of production.

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Question .19. State the three sectors of enterprises on the basis of ownership.

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Question .20. What do you mean by production?

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Question .21. What does consumption mean?

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Question .22. What are primary activities of any economy?

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Question .23. Explain the features of Indian Economy.

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Question .24. Distinguish between ‘less developed country’ and ‘developed country’.

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Question .25. Distinguish between ‘Public sector industries’ and ‘Private sector industries’.

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Question .26. Distinguish between economic and non-economic activities.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]