CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Towards Liberalization and Globalization (Solved)

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Question .1. Define liberalization.

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Question .2. What is globalization?

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Question .3. What is privatization?

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Question .4. State a positive aspect of India’s development strategy prior to 1991.

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Question .5. State a negative aspect of India’s development strategy prior to 1991.

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Question .6. What is “bilateral agreements”?

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Question .7. What do you mean by export quotas?

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Question .8. What do you mean by import quotas?

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Question .9. Define sustainable economic development.

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Question .10. Mention two problems that forced India to undertake new economic policy after 1991.

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Question .11. Explain the various liberalization measures undertaken by the government of India.

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Question .12. State any two impacts of liberalization and globalization in India.

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Question .13. State the strategies under new economic policy.

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Question .14. Describe the changes that have occurred in India due to the adoption of the policy of liberalization and globalization.

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Question .15. Examine the role of the state for protecting environment. Write three points.

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Question .16. Mention three objectives of liberalization policy in large scale sector.

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Question .17. ‘There is a need of rapid industrialization of India’. Give three reasons.

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Question .18. ‘Negative aspect of India’s development strategy prior to 1991 relating to bad performance of public sector was the only factor to create the need for a change in economic policy’. Do you agree with this. Comment.

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Question .19. Why is sustainable development considered important for economic growth?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]