CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Major Challenges Before The Indian Economy (Solved)

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Question .1. What is poverty?

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Question .2. What is poverty line?

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Question .3. Define unemployment.

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Question .4. What is meant by ‘disguised unemployment’?

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Question .5. What is seasonal unemployment?

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Question .6. Describe the problem of unemployment in India with special reference to unemployment in rural areas. 

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Question .7. What is meant by cyclic unemployment?

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Question .8. What is technical unemployment?

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Question .9. What do you mean by skilled labour?

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Question .10. What is meant by construction labour market?

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Question .11.What is agricultural labour market?

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Question .12. What is world labour market?

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Question .13. State the most common type of unemployment.

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Question .14. State the two index numbers used to know the changes in prices.

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Question .15. What is black marketing?

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Question .16.What is hoarding?

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Question .17. What is meant by Public Distribution System?

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Question .18.What is meant by monetary policy?

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Question .19.What is fiscal policy?

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Question .20. State any two measures to reduce poverty in India.

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Question .21. Mention any two causes of price rise in India.

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Question .22. Why regulation in prices is needed?

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Question .23. What is skill development?

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Question .24. How is number of poor below poverty line estimated?

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Question .25. State the occupation of poverty – ridden family.

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Question .26. What is ‘Trickle down effect’?

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Question .27. Write any three important causes leading to urban poverty.

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Question .28. List two steps for removing illiteracy.

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Question .29.State the ways by which the magnitude of unemployment is measured in India.

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Question .30. State the steps taken by the government of India to impart skills through training.

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Question .31. What is entrepreneurial development?

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Question .32. Give three reasons for the growing unemployment in urban areas.

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Question .33. Explain

(i) Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and

(ii) Consumer Price Index (CPI) to know the change in prices.

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Question .34. How does hoarding lead to black–marketing.

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Question .35. What is meant by smuggling?

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Question .36. What are the causes of poverty in India? Describe.

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Question . 37. Mention some important poverty alleviation programme undertaken by the government of India and explain them.

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Question .38. How does population growth create unemployment?

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Question .39. State the various programme undertaken by government of India to generate employment opportunities.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]