CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Challenges of Communalism and Casteism (Solved)

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Question .1.  Which basic ideas by the people make India secular?

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Question .2. Mention two important sources of social tension in India.

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Question .3. State two factors that pose danger to our national unity and integration.

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Question .4. Why has the national minority commission been set up?

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Question .5. What is meant by ‘Sarvadharmasambhav’?

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Question .6. Which religious community of India are making the country a treasure of rich cultural heritage.

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Question .7. Which are disturbing our social peace and amity?

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Question .8. State the ill-effects of casteism.

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Question .9. Mention three concessions which have been provided to the weaker sections for adequate representation in government services.

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Question .10. Name two facilities which the government has provided to the Other Backward Classes / Castes.

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Question .11. What is fundamentalism? Mention some of the characteristics of a fundamentalist.

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Question .12. What is communalism? Mention various factors which are responsible for the growth of communalism in India?

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Question .13. How the communalism are misusing religious places?

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Question .14. Write note on minorities.

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Question .15. Enumerate the constitutional provisions for safe guarding the interest of minorities, weaker sections and backward classes.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]