CBSE Important Questions

Q. 20. What are the rare achievements of Edright as a college student?

Ans : Ebright and his college room mates brought forth a new theory on how cells work. It was published in the “Proceeding of the National Academy of Science’. This was the first time that the work of the college students was published in this journal.

Q. 21. What were the other interests of Richard Ebright, apart from science?

Ans : Richar Ebright was a champion debater and public speaker. He was a good canoeist. He was an all round outdoors person. He was also an expert photographer of nature and scientific exhibits.

Q. 22. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?

Ans : The two boys in London were surprised and fascinated because they saw the fresh muddy footprints on the steps of a house. The fresh footmarks appeared but the barefooted man was not visible.

Q. 23. What was curious episode that took place in the clergy man’s study?

Ans : One morning, the clergyman and his wife were awakened by noise. They saw no person in their study. They were shocked to find that their money had been stolen from the desk.

Q. 24. What did Griffin do in the shop of a theatrical company?

Ans : He wore bandages round his forehead and put on dark glasses, a false nose, big bushy side-whiskers and a large hat. He attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed his money.

Q. 25. Why was Matilda unhappy?

Ans : Matilda was a pretty young lady. She felt as if she were born for all the delicacies and luxuries of life. But unluckily she was married with a petty clerk. She had no dowry, no money and no means of getting known. Therefore she was unhappy.

Q. 26. What did her husband bring home one evening? Why was he so elated?

Ans : One evening Matilda’s husband brought an invitation card to attend the dinner party at residence of the Minister of Public Instruction. He was so elated because it would be a great occasion for them.

Q. 27. What happened at the ball? Was her dream fulfilled? What spoiled the pleasure?

Ans : Matilda was intoxicated with pleasure. She danced with great enthusiasm. She appeared to be the prettiest lady. All asked her name. Her dream was fulfilled. The missing of diamond necklace spoiled the pleasure.

Q. 28. What did Loisel do to replace the lost necklace?

Ans : Loisel had to pay thirty six thousand francs for the new necklace. He had with him only eighteen thousand. He had to borrow the rest. He went to moneylenders. He had to pay high rate of interest. He also had to work overtime on meagre payment.

Paper By: Mr. Bhawani
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