CBSE Important Questions

Mathmatics Class X

  1. (2 + v5) (2 + v5 )expression is:
    1. A rational number
    2. A Whole number
    3. An irrational number
    4. A natural number

  1. If the HCF of 85 and 153 is expressible in the form 85n - 153, then value of n is:
    1. 3
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 1

  1. (v2 - v3) (v3 - v2) is
    1. A rational number
    2. A Whole number
    3. An irrational number
    4. A natural number

  1. A rational number can be expressed as a terminating decimal if the denominator has factors
    1. 2, 3 or 5
    2. 2 or 3
    3. 3 or 5
    4. 2 or 5

  1. The decimal expansion of 33 / 22x 5 will terminate after:
    1. One Decimal Place
    2. Two Decimal Place
    3. Three Decimal Place
    4. More than 3 Decimal Place

  1. Which is not an irrational number?
    1. 5 - v3
    2. v2 + v5
    3. 4 + v2
    4. 6 + v9

  1. Which is not irrational number?
    1. v5 - v3
    2. 6 + v9
    3. v3 - 1
    4. 2v3 - 3

  1. How many prime factors are there in prime factorization of 5005.
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 7

    1. 119 2 - 111 2 is:
      1. Prime Number
      2. Composite number>
      3. An odd prime number
      4. An odd composite number

    1. If least prime factor of a is 3 and least prime factor of b is 7, the least prime factor of (a+ b) is:
      1. 2
      2. 3
      3. 5
      4. 11

Submitted By: Mr.Janak Raj Kalia
Email Id: [email protected]