CBSE Important Questions

Science Class X


Q. 1. Name the product and by product of photosynthesis.

Q. 2. In which biochemical form the photosynthate moves in phloem tissue?

Q. 3. What are the raw materials of photosynthesis?

Q. 4. What is the similarity between chlorophyll and hemoglobin?

Q. 5. Name the products of photolysis of water.

Q. 6. What are the end products of light dependant reaction?

Q. 7. Which cell organelle is the site of photosynthesis?

Q. 8. What is the difference between digestion of heterotrophs and saprotrophs?

Q. 9. Give example of two plants and two animal parasites.

Q. 10. Name the enzyme present in saliva, what is its role in digestion?

Q. 11. Which chemical is used to test for starch? Which colour shows the presence of starch?

Q. 12. Give the term- rhythmic contraction of alimentary canal muscle to propel food.

Q. 13. Name the three secretions of gastric glands.

Q. 14. What is the function of mucus in gastric gland?

Q. 15. Name the sphincter which regulates the exit of food from the stomach.

Q. 16. Give the functions of hydrochloric acid for the body.

Q. 17. What is the role of pepsin in stomach?

Q. 18. Why pancreas is called mixed gland?

Q. 19. Give two functions of bile juice, from which organ it is released?

Q. 20. Name the largest gland of our body.

Q. 21. Name any three important enzymes of pancreas and the food component on which they act.

Q. 22. Where from intestinal juice come to the small intestine?

Q. 23. What is the function of intestinal juice?

Q. 24. What are the simplest digestive product of carbohydrate, fats and protein?

Q. 25. Name the finger like projections of small intestine and what is the necessity of such type of projections in digestive system?

Q. 26. Why are intestinal villis highly vascular?

Submitted By : Mr. Gaurav Mittal
Email Id : [email protected]