CBSE Important Questions

Social Science Class X

Summative Assessment II

  1. How did the Non-Cooperation Movement spread to the countryside? Explain giving three reasons.
  2. 3x1=3
  3. What is the importance of energy resources? Give two examples each of conventional and non-conventional sources of energy.
  4. 1+1+1=3
  5. Why is manufacturing sector considered the backbone of economic development of the country? Explain any three reasons with examples.
  6. 3x1=3
  7. Explain any three factors which are responsible for localisation of jute textile mills mainly along the banks of the Hugli river.
  8. 3x1=3
  9. How do the pressure groups and movements exert their influence on politics? Explain any three ways to do so.
  10. 3x1=3
  11. Do democracies lead to a just distribution of goods and opportunities? Justify your answer by three suitable arguments.
  12. 3x1=3
  13. "Most destructive feature of democracy is that its examination never gets over." Support the statement with three appropriate arguments.
  14. 3x1=3
  15. Suggest any three broad guidelines that can be kept in mind while devising ways and means for political reforms in India.
  16. 3x1=3
  17. Describe any three factors which have enabled globalisation in India.
  18. 3x1=3
  19. In what ways is an MNC different from the national companies? Highlight any three points of distinction.
  20. 3x1=3
  21. Explain any three ways in which a consumer is exploited.
  22. 3x1=3
  23. Explain any three consumer?s rights as user of goods and services.
  24. 3x1=3
  25. Explain any four measures and practices introduced by revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.

    Who was the founder of Hoa Hao movement? Explain his contribution by giving any three
  26. Explain any four features of Civil Disobedience movement of 1930.
  27. 4x1=4
  28. How do physiographic and economic factors influence the distribution pattern of railway network in our country? Explain with examples.
  29. 2+2=4
  30. Why can?t modern democracies exist without political parties? Explain any four reasons.
  31. 4x1=4
  32. Describe any two sources each of formal and informal credit in India.
  33. 2+2=4
  34. Two features A and B are marked in the given outline political map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map.
    1. The place from where the movement of Indigo planters was started.
    2. The place where Indian National Congress session 1927 was held.

Submitted By : Dr. Ashutosh Pandey