CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Business Studies > Business Studies (Organising) By Mrs. Meenakshi Malhotra

Business Studies (Organising)

Q. 1. What is meant by organizing? Define organizing.

Q. 2. How does organizing as a function of management help in bringing about administrative efficiency?

Q. 3. Explain the importance of organizing as a function of management.

Q. 4. Enumerate the steps in the process of organizing.

Q. 5. What do mean by hierarchy of authority?

Q. 6. What is meant by authority, responsibility relationship in an organizational structure?

Q. 7. What is an organizational structure? Define.

Q. 8. What types of relationships are shown by an organizational structure?

Q. 9. What is meant by functional structure?

Q. 10. Discuss the suitability of functional organization.

Q. 11. What is meant by divisional structure?

Q. 12. Discuss the suitability of divisional structural form of organization.

Q. 13. Explain in brief the factors to be considered while designing an organizational structure.

Q. 14. State the advantages of adopting a functional structure form of an organization in a business enterprise.

Q. 15. Advantages / Disadvantages (Merits/Demerits) of divisional structure and functional structure of an organization.

Q. 16. Explain in brief the Principle of span of control.

Q. 17. Explain briefly the factors affecting the span of control.

Q. 18. What is a formal organization?

Q. 19. What is an informal organization?

Q. 20. Give the meaning and importance of formal and informal organization.

Q. 21. Why an informal organization is considered better than a formal organization. Explain.

Q. 22. Distinguish between formal and informal organization.

Q. 23. Explain the meaning and importance of delegation of authority.

Q. 24. Define (a) authority, (b) responsibility, (c) accountability.

Q. 25. Name the directions towards which authority and responsibility respectively flow.

Q. 26. Distinguish between authority and responsibility on the basis of meaning, origin and delegation.

Q. 27. Authority can be delegated but not responsibility. Explain.

Q. 28. Explain in brief the concept of parity of authority and responsibility.

Q. 29. Explain the meaning and relationship between authority and responsibility.

Q. 30. Briefly explain the elements of delegation.

Q. 31. Define centralization of authority.

Q. 32. Define decentralization of authority.

Q. 33. “The concept of centralization and decentralisaton is related to the concept of delegation”. Explain.

Q. 34. Centralisation and decentralization exist together. Explain.

Q. 35. Explain the importance of decentralization for a business house.

Q. 36. Why is delegation of authority essential but decentralization not?

Q. 37. Explain with an example how a delegated authority may be extended to decentralised authority.

Q. 38. Distinguish between delegation and decentralization of authority.

Q. 39. What is main cause to adopt the divisional organization structure.


In what situations divisional organization structure is more suitable.

Q. 40. In what kind of organization is functional structure more suitable? Why?

Q. 41. In an electrical goods manufacturing company there are four main activities Production, Marketing, Finance and Personnel. The general manager is planning to structure the organization. Which type of organization structure should he adopt and why? Give two reasons.

Q. 42. XYZ limited is manufacturing chemicals and textiles. What type of organizational structure would suit the requirement of such an organization? And why?

Q. 43. What do you mean by divisional organization structure? How it is beneficial for multi products companies.

Q. 44. How does organizing help in co-ordination and adaptation?

Q. 45. Explain the principle of exception.

Q. 46. Explain the elements of delegation.

Q. 47.Explain any four principles of Delegation.

Q. 48.Explain how organizing helps in specialization and co-ordination.

Q. 49. Discuss the process or steps in organization.