CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2008 > Economics > Economics By. Priyaranjan.r


Chapter - 1 Development

Q. 1. Why is income considered as a major attribute of development?

Q. 2. Why do we not consider total income?

Q. 3. What is average income or per Capita Income?

Q. 4. How are the countries divided on income basis according to World Report of World Bank?

Q. 5. What are the other attributes of development than income?

Q. 6. An average person in Punjab has more income than an average person in Kerala but Punjab lags behind in the crucial areas of education and health aspects. Why?

Q. 7. Which are the factors adopted to compare by the Human Development Report published by UNDP?

Chapter: 2 Sectors of Indian Economy

Q. 1. What is Primary Sector?

Q. 2. Define Secondary Sector?

Q. 3. What do you understand by Tertiary Sector? What are the activities involved in this?

Q. 4. What are the final goods?

Q. 5. What is GDP?

Q. 6. Why is tertiary sector becoming so important in India?

Q. 7. Define underemployment?

Q. 8. What is disguised unemployment?

Q. 9. What are the Governmental measures to create more employment?

Q. 10. Write a note on NREGA 2005?

Q. 11. What are the features of the organized sector of employment?

Q. 12. ‘The unorganized sector employees are not secure’ – how far this statement is true?

Q. 13. How are the unorganized sector workers protected?

Q. 14. Distinguish between Public and Private sectors?

Q. 15. Why does the Government only take over certain huge investment?

Chapter - 3 Money and Credit

Q. 1. What are the forms of money?

Q. 2. What are the demand deposits?

Q. 3. What is a cheque?

Q. 4. What do the banks do with the money deposited?

Q. 5. What is credit?

Q. 6. What are the general conditions of a loan?

Q. 7. What is a collateral?

Q. 8. What is ‘terms of credit’?

Q. 9. Distinguish between formal and informal sectors of credit?

Q. 10. How are the banks controlled by the Reserve Bank of India?

Q. 11. Why do the poor households still depend on the informal sectors of credit?

Q. 12. What is the structure and functions of a Self Help Group?

Q. 13. How do the Self Help Groups help the borrowers to overcome the problems of collateral?

Chapter - 4 Globalization

Q. 1. What is a Multi National Company?

Q. 2. What are the prerequisites of MNC to start offices or factories?

Q. 3. What are the advantages of local companies joining with the MNCs?

Q. 4. What is investment?

Q. 5. What are the benefits foreign trade?

Q. 6. What is globalization?

Q. 7. What are the effects of the MNCs in the domestic economy?

Q. 8. Why are the taxes called ‘trade barriers’?

Q. 9. Why does the Government of India put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment?

Q. 10. What is liberalization? What are its features?

Q. 11. What are the effects of globalization on the consumers of India?

Q. 12. Name some Indian companies that emerged as MNCs?

Q. 13. what do you meant by fair globalization?

Q. 14. How can the Government work for making fair globalization?

Chapter - 5 Consumer Rights

Q. 1. How does the exploitation in the market p[lace take place?

Q. 2. Markets do not work in affair manner-Why?

Q. 3. Trace out the history of consumer movement in India?

Q. 4. What do you mean by the ‘right to be informed’ of the consumers?

Q. 5. What is Right To Information Act?

Q. 6. What are the consumer forums?

Q. 7. What is the three tier quasi-judicial machinery in India under COPRA?

Q. 8. The consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome- why?

Q. 9. Explain some of the rights of the consumers?