Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2009 > Informatics Practices > Informatics Practices By Mr. Ravi Goyal


Q. 1. Answer the following Question (2 marks each)

  1. What are Datatypes? How many datatypes are supported in Visual basic name them.
  2. What are Merits and Demerits of Variant datatypes ?
  3. How can you enforce explicit declaration of variable?
  4. Which three programming constructs are supported by every programming language? Describe them?
  5. What do you understand by entry and exit tested loops? Give example?
  6. Which keywords alter the lifetime of a variable? Explain?
  7. Explain how arguments can be passed to the procedures?
  8. What are different types of Modules? Name them with description?
  9. What are the advantage of using sub procedure and how they differ from function?
  10. Explain the difference between : -
    1. Int() and Fix()
    2. Mid function and Mid statement?

Section - B

Q. 2. read the following case study and answer the questions that follow :
ABC company has developed the following interface to enter the display data related to Income tax of employees.

  1. When the form loads text boxes for income tax, Education tax , surcharge and total tax amount should be disabled. They should be enabled only when calculate command button is clicked. (2)
  2. Taxable income entered should be numeric data. (2)
  3. When the user clicks the clear command button textboxes empcode and empname should be set of blank and textboxes be set to zero and cursor move to empcode. (2)
  4. When calculate command button is clicked income tax, educational tax, surcharge and total tax (sum of income tax, education tax , surcharge) is displayed in their respective text boxes based on the following criterion :- (4)
Taxable income Income tax Education tax Surcharge
Upto Rs. 100000 Nil Nil Nil
Rs. 100001 to 150000 10% of amount exceeding Rs. 100000

2% of taxable income Nil
Rs. 150001 to 250000 Rs. 5000 + 20% of amount exceeding Rs. 150000 2% of taxable income Nil
Rs 250001 and above Rs. 25000 + 20% of amount exceeding Rs. 250000 2% of taxable income 1% of taxable income

Q. 2. (i) Find the output of the following programe :-

      a.   x = “class” (2)
            Print (5 * 4 > 8 + 3) And  (3^2 < 6/2)
            Print Val(“16 oranges”) + Len(x)
            Print Instr(“computers”, “ut”)
            Mid(x , 2,1) = “he”
            Print x

      b.   Dim ast as string (1)
            Dim I as integer
            ast = “Mausam”
            Tot = Len (ast)
            For K = 1 to Len(ast)
                        Print  Mid(ast , K , Tot)

       c. ctr = 15 (1)
            ncount  = 0
                        ncount = ncount + 1
                        ctr = ctr + 2
            Loop until ctr < 0
            Msgbox ncount


(a). Change the following code using For….Next loop without. (2)

                        affecting the output :
                        Dim cou, an
                        an = 1
                        cou = 20
                                    an = an * cou
                                    cou = cou – 2
                        Loop Until
                        Print an

            (b).      Change the following code using Do….Loop while. (2)
                        Dim ar
                        co = 1
                        Do until co > 5
                                    ar = co * co
                                                If  co = 2 then
                                                            Print ar
                                                End if
                                    co = co + 1
(iii)       (a). Find the error and rewrite the code : (1½)
                                   x = 50
                                   Select x
                                   Case is x = 5
                                               Print “five”
                                   Case < 5
                                               Print “ Less than 5”
                                   Case is 50
                                               Print “OK”
                                   End Case
                                   Print Rtrim(x)

          (b). x = 5 (1½)

                                   Do while x <= 10
                                    if x Mod 2 = 0
                                                print x
                                    k = k + 1
                        End if

(iv) (a). Create a function that returns the integer part of a fractional number. This function should be available throughout your project. (3)

( b). Write a function Power to raise a number m to power n. The function takes two integer value and returns the result correctly, Use default value of 2 for n (to calculate squares) if argument is omitted. (3)

(c). Write a Procedure to take a character and a Integer parameter and repeat character as many times as integer ( Do Not use String function ) (example replicate(6,”A”) mean output is “AAAAAA”). (3)

Paper By Mr. Ravi Goyal