Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2009 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Sahil Guati


Q. 1. Show that f(x)={5x – 4, 0< x <1 {4x3 - 3x, 1, x, 2 is continuous at x = 1 ?

Q. 2. Find the value of k, such that given function is continuous :

F(x)= {2x + 3 ,if x ≤ 2
{x + 2k , if x > 2

Q. 3. Find the relationship between a and b, so that given function is continuous at x =5?

F(x) = { ax + 2
{bx + 4

Q. 4. Differentiate with respect to x:

(  x2 + cosx + tanx )?

Q. 5. Find dy / dx, if y = x (a2 -x2 ) + a2 sin¯ x /a ?

Q. 6. If cos( x/y) — xy = x — y2, find dy/dx ?

Q. 7. Differentiate x logx

X + (sinx)?

Q. 8. If y= tan¯x, prove that ( 1+ x2 )d2y /dx2 + 2x dy/dx = 0 ?

Q. 9. Verify rolle’s theorem for the function ( x—1)(x—2)(x—3) on [ 0,4] ?

Q. 10. If x= sintcost , y= -cost find d2y / dx2 ?

Paper By Mr. Sahil Guati