CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2009 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Ashok Khugshal CBSE CLASS XII Q. 1. Q. 2. Differentiate Q. 3. Let Q. 4. Without expanding show that :- Q. 5. Show that Q. 6. Differentiate Q. 7. Show that Q. 8. Find Q. 9. Let the two matrices A and B be given by
Verify that AB=BA=6I , where I is a unit matrix of order 3 and hence solve the system of equations : x – y =3; 2 x + 3 y +4z =17; Y + 2z = 7 Q. 10. If Q. 11. Differentiate Q. 12. If Q. 13. If Q. 14. Find matrix X for which Q. 15. Find X if Q. 16. Find a and b so that the function f is given by Q. 17. If x = sin t y = sin mt , prove that : Q. 18. Find Q. 19. Show that the system of equations given below is consistent and hence solve them: Q. 20. If
Q. 21. Find Show that : Q. 22. Q. 23. Differentiate Q. 24. If y = Q. 25. Prove that Q. 26. If Q. 27. If Q. 28. For what values of a and b , the following system of equations is consistent?
Q. 29. If
Q. 30. If y = Q. 31. Determine the value of ‘k’ so that the function:
Q. 32. If A = . 33. If Q. 34. If Q. 35. If Q. 36. Prove , using properties of determinants that Q. 37. If Q. 38. If Paper By Mr. Ashok Khugshal |