Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Accountancy > Accountancy By Rahul Kadd


Accounting for Not-for Profit Organisation

Q. 1. Following is the information given in respect of certain items of a sports club . you are required to show them in the income and Expenditure Account and the balance sheet of the club as on 31st march, 2008 .

Sports Fund as on 1.4.2007 1,00,000
Sports Fund Investments 1,00,000
Interest on sports fund investments 10,000
Donation of sports Fund 40,000
Sports prizes awarded 30,000
Expenses on sports events 10,000
General fund 2,00.000
General fund investments 2,00,000
Interest on general fund investments 20,000

Q. 2. Subscriptions received during the year ended December 31,2007 are as follows:


  Rs. Rs.
For 2006 400  
For 2007 21,100  
For 2008 800 22,300

There are 450 members, each paying an annual subscription of Rs.50. Rs.450 were in arrears for 2006 at the beginning of 2007. Calculate the subscription to be shown in the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Q. 3. From the following extracts of the Receipts and Payments Account and the additional information, you are required to compute the income and subscriptions for the year 31st December 2007 and show the subscription item in the final Accounts of the club.

for the year ended 31ST December, 2007

Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To Subscriptions:
2006 18,000    
2007 1,00,000    
2008 25,000    

Additional Information:

  1. Subscriptions outstanding as on 31stDecember, 2006: Rs.20,000.
  2. Subscriptions outstanding as on 31stDecember, 2007: Rs.30,000.
  3. Subscriptions received in advance as on 31stDecember, 2006: Rs.20,000.

Paper By Mr. Rahul Kadd
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