Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Accountancy > Accountancy By Rahul Kadd


They admit D into partnership on the following terms:

  1. Furniture, investments and machinery to be depreciated by 15%
  2. stock is to be revalued at Rs. 48,000
  3. Outstanding rent amounted to Rs. 1800
  4. Prepaid salaries Rs. 800
  5. D brings in Rs. 32,000 as his capital and Rs. 6000 for goodwill in cash for 1/6th share of the future profits of the firm.
  6. Adjustment of capitals to be made in cash
  7. Capital of the partners shall be proportionate to their profit sharing ratio, taking D’s capital as base.

Prepare the revaluation Account, the partner’s capital A/c, the cash A/c and the balance sheet of the new firm.

Q.31. The following as the Balance sheet of A & B who had been sharing profits in proportion of 3/4th and 1/4th, on March 31,2007:

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Creditors 37,500 Cash at bank 22,500
General reserve 6000 Bills receivable 3,000
Capital A/c   Debtors 16,000
A 30,000   Stock 20,000
B 16,000 46000 Office furniture 1,000
    Land &building 25,000
    Advertisement 2000
  89,500   89,500

They agree to take C into partnership on april 1,2007 on the following terms:

  1. That C pays Rs. 14000 as his capital for 1/5th share in the future profits
  2. That a goodwill account be valued from the books of the firm at Rs. 20,000. C is unable to bring in any cash for his share of goodwill
  3. that stock and furniture will be reduced by 10% and 5% provision for doubtful debts will be created on debtors
  4. Land and buildings be appreciated by 20%
  5. that the capital accounts of the partners will be readjusted on the basis of their profit sharing arrangement and any excess or deficiency transferred to their current accounts.
    Prepare the revaluation Account, the partner’s capital A/c, the cash A/c and the balance sheet of the new firm.

Q. 32. The following was the balance sheet of A, B &C sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 6:5:3 respectively:

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Creditors 9,000 Land & Building 24,000
Bills payable 3,000 Furniture 3,500
Capital A/c   Stock 14,000
A 19000   Debtors 12,600
B 16,000   cash 900
C 8000 43,000    
  55,000   55,000

Paper By Mr. Rahul Kadd
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