Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Accountancy > Accountancy By Rahul Kadd


1. Cash Sales;
2. Issue of shares capital;
3.Issue of debentures;
4.Purchase of Machines;
5.Sale of Machines;
6.Cash received from debtors;
7.Commission and Royalty received;
8.Purchase of Investments;
9.Redemption of Debentures and Preference Shares;
10.Repayment of a Long term Loan;
11.Interest paid on debentures or long term loans by
(a) Finance company, and (b) Non-finance company;
12.Office Expenses;
13.Dividend received on Shares by (a) Finance company, and (b) Non finance company; 14.Interest received on investments by (a)Finance company, and (b)Non finance company;
15.Manufacturing Expenses;
16.Rent received by a company whose main business is (a) real estate business, (b) manufacturing;
17.Selling and Distribution Expenses;
18.Sale of Investment by (a) Finance company, and (b) Non-finance company;
19.Purchase of goodwill;
20.Dividends paid;
21.Cash purchase;
22.Cash paid to Creditors;
23.Sale of Patents;
24.Income Tax paid;
25.Income tax refund received;
26.Bank Balance;
27.Cash Credit;
28.Short-term deposits in banks;
29.Investments in Marketable securities (Short term);
30.Rent paid and 31.Buy-back of equity shares.

Q-92. From the following Balance Sheet of Bhushan Steel ltd, prepare the Cash Flow Statement:

Liabilities 31.3.2007
31.3.2008 Rs. Assets 31.3.2007 Rs. 31.3.2008 Rs.
Equity Share Capital 6,00,000 8,00,000 Fixed assets 4,00,000 10,00,000
12% Preference share Capital 2,00,000 1,50,000 Investments 80,000 90,000
15 % Debentures     Stock 3,00,000 4,00,000
Securities Premium 4,00,000 5,00,000 Debtors 3,52,000 1,12,000
Profit & Loss A/c - 1,20,000 Bank 1,88,000 4,28,000
Accumulated - 1,44,000 Discount on issue of    
Depreciation 60,000 96,000 debentures 40,000 32,000
Provision for Doubtful     Profit & Loss A/c 20,000  
Debts 20,000 32,000      
Creditors 1,00,000 2,20,000      
  13,80,000 20,62,000   13,80,000 20,62,000

Additional Information:

(i) Dividend paid during the year Rs.72,000.
(ii) Investment costing Rs.20,000 were sold at a profit of 40%.
(iii) Fixed assets costing Rs.40,000 (accumulated depreciation Rs.16,000) were sold for Rs.34,000.
(iv) Additional debentures amounting to Rs.1,00,000 issued on 1st August 2007. Interest on debentures is paid on 31st March every year.

Paper By Mr. Rahul Kadd
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