Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Ravi Kiran


7. (a) Compare Optical Fiber and Coaxial transmission media. 1

(b) Expand the following terminologies : 1
(i) HTML
(ii) GSM

(c) What is the difference between XML and HTML ? Write two differences. 1

(d) What do you understand by the terms Cookies and Firewall ? 1

(e) The Cyber Mind Organisation has set up its new Branch at Mizoram for its office
and web based activities. It has 4 Wings of buildings as shown in the diagram :
Center to center distance between various blocks
Wing X to Wing Z 40 m
Wing Z to Wing Y 60 m
Wing Y to Wing X 135 m
Wing Y to Wing U 70 m
Wing X to Wing U 165 m
Wing Z to Wing U 80 m
Number of Computers
Wing X 50
Wing Z 130
Wing Y 40
Wing U 15
(el) Suggest a most suitable cable layout of connections between the Wings and
topology. 1
(e2) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. Wing) to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason with justification. 1
(e3) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification : 1
(i) Repeater
(ii) Hub/Switch
(e4) The organization is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with the offices as Mizoram. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity. Justify your answer. 1

General Instruction :
1. The answers given in the marking scheme are merely suggestive; Examiners are requested to consider all alternative correct answers conveying the similar meaning.
2. All programming questions -have to be answered with respect to C++ language only.
3. In SQL related questions - both ways text i.e. character entries should be acceptable. (For example: ‘Amar’ or “Amar”)
4. In SQL related questions - ignore semicolon / termination for queries.
5. In SQL related questions - ignore case sensitivity.
6. In C++ questions — Ignore case sensitivity for function names and variable names.

1. (a) Call by value :
The formal parameter makes a copy of actual parameter. It does not make the changes in actual parameter if the changes are done in formal parameters.

Call by reference :
The formal parameter is an alias of actual parameter. The changes made in the formal parameter are reflected in actual parameter. It is preceded by &. void Calculate(int A,int &B)//A is call by value, B is call by reference

(b) (i) math.h
(ii) string.h

Paper By Mr. Ravi Kiran
Email Id : [email protected]