Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Ravi Kiran


5. (a) What is the importance of a Primary Key in a table ? Explain with a suitable example.

(b) Consider the following tables Consignor and Consignee. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v)
to (viii).
CnorlD CnorName CnorAddress City
ND01 R Singhal 24, ABC Enclave New Delhi
ND02 Amit Kumar 123, Palm Avenue New Delhi
MU15 R Kohli 5/A, South Street Mumbai
MU50 S Kaur 27-K, Westend Mumbai
CneelD CnorlD CneeName CneeAddress CneeCity
MU05 ND01 Rahul Kishore 5, Park Avenue Mumbai
ND08 ND02 P Dhingra 16/J, Moore Enclave New Delhi
KO19 MU15 A P Roy 2A, Central Avenue Kolkata
MU32 ND02 S Mittal P 245, AB Colony Mumbai
ND48 MU50 B P Jain 13, Block D, A Vihar New Delhi

(i) To display the names of all Consignors from Mumbai.’

(ii) To display the CneelD, CnorName, CnorAddress, CneeName, CneeAddress for every Consignee.

(iii) To display consignee details in ascending order of CneeName.

(iv) To display number of consignors from each city,


(vi) SELECT A.CnorName, B.CneeName
FROM Consignor A, Consignee B
WHERE A.CnorID = B.CnorlD AND B.CneeCity = ‘Mumbai’;

(vii) SELECT CneeName, CneeAddress FROM Consignee
WHERE CneeCity NOT IN (‘Mumbai’, ‘Kolkata’);

(viii) SELECT CneelD, CneeName FROM Consignee
WHERE CnorID=’MU15' OR CnorID=’ND01';

6. (a) State De Morgan’s Theorems and verify the same using truth table.

(b) Write the equivalent Canonical Product of Sum Expression for the following Sum of Product Expression
F(X, Y, Z) = S (0, 2, 4, 5)

(c) Write the equivalent Boolean expression for the following Logic Circuit.

(d) Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map : F(A, B, C, D) = p(5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15)

7. (a) What is the significance of Cyber Law ?

(b) Expand the following terms with respect to Networking :
(i) XML
(ii) WWW
(iii) WLL
(iv) TCP/IP

(c) Which of the following units measures the speed with which data can be transmitted from one node to another node of a network ? Also, give the expansion of the suggested unit. 1
(i) KMph
(ii) Mbps
(iii) MGps

Paper By Mr. Ravi Kiran
Email Id : [email protected]