Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Ms Rinky Ganguly



Q. 1. Given the fixed cost=rs12.calculate TVC,TC,&AVC from the following data:

Output(units): 1 2 3 4 5 6
MC(RS) 9 7 2 4 8 12

Q. 2 . The following table shows the total cost schedule of a competitive firm .price =10.calculate total profit at each level of output.find the profit maximizing level of output.

Output(units): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TC(RS) 5 15 22 27 31 38 49 63 81 101 123

Q. 3 . A CONSUMER BUYS 70 UNITS OF A COMMODITY AT APRICE OF RS7 per unit.when price falls to rs 6 per unit he buys 90 units.find out whether the demand for the commodity is elastic or inelastic.


Q. 4 . WITH AN INCREASE IN INVESTMENT by rs. 100crore national income of a country increase by rs 250 crore.find out the marginal propensity to consume.

Q. 5. calculate net value added at factor cost from the following data:

  items  rs (inlacs)
i) Sales  800
ii) Purchase of machines (for installation in factory)  500
iii) Purchase of raw materials  450
iv) Subsidies 50
v) Consumption of fixed capital  60
vi) wages and salaries 200
vii) change in stock  40

Q. 6. (A)when mpc is 0.2 how much new investment is required to make the national income rise by rs .600 crore?calculate
         (B)In an economy c=1000+0.5y and I=2000 Calculate
               (i)equilibrium level of income
               (ii)level of savings at equilibrium level of income

Q. 7. From the data given below ,calculate national income by
          (i)income method
          (ii)expenditure method 

  items  rs (in crores)
i) govt. final consumption expenditure  7341
ii) Indirect taxes  8834
iii) Gross fixed capital formation  13,248
iv) Mixed income of the self employed  29267
v) Subsidies  1,120
vi) Change in stocks  3,170
vii) Operating surplus  9637
viii) Consumption of fixed capital  4,046
ix) Private final consumption expenditure  51,177
x) exports of goods and services  4,812
xi) net factor income from abroad - 255
xii) compensation of employees 23,420
 xiii) imports of goods and services  5,664

Paper By : Ms Rinky Ganguly
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