Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Sujjoy Basu


Q. 1. What is a budget? What are the objectives of a budget?

Q. 2. Define-surplus Budget, deficit budget, balanced budget.

Q. 3. What is meant by revenue receipts? Explain the components of revenue receipts of the government.

Q. 4. What is tax?

Q. 5. Define- Progressive tax, regressive tax, proportional tax.

Q. 6. Distinguish between direct and indirect taxes.

Q. 7. Give two examples of non-tax revenue receipts.

Q. 8. Distinguish between revenue receipts and capital receipts .

Q. 9. Given reasons categories the following into revenue receipts and capital receipts:

  1. Recovery of loans,
  2. Corporation tax,
  3. Dividends on investment made by government,
  4. Sale of public sector undertaking.

Q. 10. What is revenue expenditure?

Q. 11. What is capital expenditure?

Q. 12. What are the difference between –

  1. Planned and Non-planned Expenditures,
  2. Development and Non-development Expenditure

Q. 13. Giving reasons, categorise the following into revenue expenditure and capital expenditure:

  1. Subsidies,
  2. Grants given to state governments,
  3. Repayment of loans,
  4. Construction of school buildings.

Q. 14. Define- Budget Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, Revenue Deficit, Capital Deficit, Primary deficit.

Q. 15. How can deficit in the budget be financed?

Q. 16. In a government budget , revenue deficit is Rs.50000 core and borrowings are Rs.75000 cores. How much is the fiscal deficit?


A government budget shows a primary deficit of Rs.4400 crore , expenditure on interest payment is Rs.400 Crore. How much is the fiscal deficit?

Paper By Mr. Sujjoy Basu
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