Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > History > History By Ms. Vinita



Q. 1. What were the limitations of Ain-i-Akbari?

Q. 2. What were the features of Kitab-ul-Hind?

Q. 3. Why women were considered as an important resource in the mughal empire/

Q. 4. Why Montesquieu developed the idea of oriental despotism in Asia?

Q. 5. How chronicles commissioned by Mughal Empire are an important source for studying court?


Q. 6. Why did Ibn-Batuta find cities in the subcontinent full of exciting opportunities?

Q. 7. What kind of relations were their between nayakas, rayas and king?

Q. 8. Compare the work of ibn batuta and François bernier.

Q. 9. Examine the development in sculpture and architecture associated with the rise of Vaishnavism and shaivism

Q. 10. Describe the social conditions of India as described by Al-Beruni?

Q. 11. Discuss whether the term ‘Royal center’ is an appropriate description for the part of the city for which it is used?

Q. 12. What type of relations were there between the mughals, ottomans and Jesuits

Q. 13. Describe the features of Mughal administration

Q. 14. Why did Ibn- Batuta find cities in the subcontinent full of exciting opportunities?

Q. 15. How Mughal chronicles show the power of Mughal kingdom?

Q. 16. Mention the socio-political-religious features of Alvars and N ayanars


Q. 17. What led to the development of Sufi and chishti silsila?
Mention the popular practices of Islam 

Q. 18. How akbar-nama and badshashnama give a description about the mughal Zamindars?
Mention the agrarian structure of Mughal Empire.

Paper By Ms. Vinita
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