Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Shivankar Gupta


Q. 1.   For the value of x ,the following matrix is singular ? 

Q. 2.   If  then  , if the value of is given by ?

Q. 3.   If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, write whether    is      
symmetric or skew symmetric.

Q. 4.   Find the value of x if   

Q. 5.  If

 and , find

Q. 6.  If

  find x and y?

Q. 7.  If

 then find K such that

Q. 8. Show that


Q. 9. If A =

  , using P.M.I, show that An =   nN
Q. 10. Show that

Q. 11. Show that =


Paper By Mr. Shivankar Gupta
Email Id : [email protected]
Ph No.: 9410407427
Coaching : 37, C.O.D. Colony Agra,
Residence : 83, Saket colony Agra