Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr Vasu Raj


Q. 1. Find the derivative of f(x) = (1+x)(1+x2) (1+x4) (1+x8), and hence find f ¢ (1)

Q. 2. If  find

Q. 3. Differentiate w.r.t.x  

Q. 4. Differentiate y = ax + xa + aa + xx w.r.t.x.

Q. 5. Differentiate  w.r.t.x for x>0, a>0.

Q. 6. Differentiate  w.r.t.x

Q. 7. Differentiate  w.r.t.x

Q. 8. Find

Q. 9.

Q. 10. Prove that

Q. 11. If

 Show that

Q. 12. If 

Q. 13. If

Q. 14. If 

Paper By Mr Vasu Raj
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