Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Political Science > Political Science By Ms. Vinita


Q. 14. ‘China is an important country of south Asia but is not considered to be a part of SAARC”. Why?

Q. 15. What is India’s description of indigenous people how they are treated over here?

Q. 16. After the disintegration of USSR in1991, in which two ways has India benefited by continuing her friendship with Russia

Q. 17. Mention the full form of (a) SAFTA (b) SAPTA. Mention any one objective of NIEO.

Q. 18. State any two differences between the economic policies followed by China before and
After 1978.

Q. 19. why did the two super powers need smaller allies during the cold war?

Q. 20. State any two constraints that operate on the US hegemony.

Q. 21. what was the shock therapy? Was this the best way to make a transition from communism to?

Q. 22. how the international system is dominated by a sole super power (US)?

Q. 23. What are the three possible strategies India can follow over its relationship with the US?

Q. 24. The Indian prime minister is to visit china and you have been asked to prepare a very brief note for him. Write on Indo- Chinese positions on the border disputes and economic co operations.

Q. 25. How Swine Flu is rapidly spreading across countries? Substantiate your answer according to new sources of threats.

Q. 26. Analyze the role of globalization. In the present context.

Q. 27. What is common but differential responsibilities? Suggest two steps for the protection of global commons.

Q. 28. State the  difference between the security challenges facing the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa and the security challenges in Europe

Q. 29. What is resource geopolitics?

Q. 30. What are the components of Indian security system?

Q. 31. Mention the events that led to the cold war.


Whether the NAM has become irrelevant today? Give reasons to support your answer.

Q. 32. Explain the Indo- Pak relationship.


How are the external powers influencing bi-lateral relations of Indo-Pak in South Asia?

Q. 33. Reforming the UN mean restructuring the Security Council. Give arguments in support or  against this position


Mention the evolution process of the UN along with its objectives.

Q. 34. Suppose the Cold War had not taken place and there were several major powers At the end of the Second World War. How would that situation have affected India’s foreign policy? Identify any three aspects or regions and imagine the Difference.


Suppose the Soviet Union had not disintegrated and the world was still as bipolar As it was in mid-1980s. How would it have affected the developments in the last? Two decades? Identify any three regions or domains and the developments. That may not have taken place in that kind of a world.

Q. 35. Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions:

“States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and Restore the health and integrity of the earth’s ecosystem. In view of the different Contributions of the global environmental degradation, states have common but Differentiated responsibilities.”

  1. Give two examples of the ecosystem being talked about here.
  2. Which part of the world has greater responsibility for environmental Protection? And why?
  3. To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the Rio Summit?


Read this passage and answer the following questions:

“If globalization is about the flows of ideas, capital, commodities, and people, it is Perhaps logical to ask if there is anything novel about this phenomenon. Globalization In terms of these four flows has taken place through much of human history. However, those who argue that there is something distinct about contemporary Globalization point out that it is the scale and speed of these flows that account For the uniqueness of globalization.”

  1. Give an example of each of these four flows that distinguishes globalization From similar flows in earlier times.
  2. Can we conclude from this way of looking at globalization that it is essentially? Economic and always positive? Give examples to support your position.

Paper By Ms. Vinita
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