CBSE Important Questions

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Functions and Relations (4/6 Mark)

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  1. Prove that tan -1 (1/5) + tan -1 (1/7) + tan -1 (1/3) + tan -1 (1/8) = 1.
  2. Prove that .
  3. Prove that .
  4. Prove that .
  5. Write in simplest form: .
  6. Prove that tan -1 3/4 + tan -1 3/5 – tan -1 8/15 = π/4.
  7. Show that the binary operation * defined by a*b = a – b, on Z is not commutative and associative..
  8. Let f : x → y and g : y → z be two invertible functions. Then gof is also with (gof)-1 = f-1 o g-1.
  9. Show that the function f: Z → Z given by f(x) = x² is not injective.
  10. Evaluate : .
  11. Solve for .
  12. If .
  13. Check whether the operator define by a b=a+b -ab is commutative or aasociative.
  14. if .
  15. Proved that .
  16. Let A =NxN and Let * be a binary operation on A defined by (a,b)*(c,d) = (ad+bc,bd) for all (a,b),(c,d) € NxN.Determine if * is commutative, associative,
  17. Solve for .
  18. Prove that: .
  19. If the function f : R→R defined by ,Prove that f is one-one and onto function. Also find the inverse of the function f and f-1(23) .
  20. Solve for .


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Submitted By Mrs. E.Praveen
Email Id : [email protected]