CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Maths > Maths By Ashok Khugshal


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  1. Usining properties of determinants,prove that:

  1. If

  1. Using properties ,prove that:

  1. If A = , Using principle of mathematically induction prove that

  1. Using properties of determinants,prove that
  2. If A= , B = , c = Find a matrix D such that CD-AB=0.
  3. Let ,Verify that .
  4. If ,find k so that A-1 = KA - 2I.
  5. Find X and Y if
  6. If
  7. Find B if


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Submitted By Ashok Khugshal
Email Id : [email protected]