CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Maths > Maths By Mrs. E.Praveen


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Vectors-3D-Lines (1Mark)

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  1. Find a vector in the direction of vector that has magnitude 7 units.
  2. Find , if two vectors are such that .
  3. Find the value of
  4. Find the projection of the vector
  5. If are any two vectors such that then what is the angle between ?
  6. Find the unit vector paralle to vactors 3і+ ϳ - 3k and -2і - ϳ+ 3 k
  7. Find the value of λ if λі + 2ϳ + k and 5і - 9ϳ + 2k are perpendicular .
  8. If find the angle between and .
  9. Find the unit vector in the direction of
  10. Write the vector equation and the direction ratio of the line
  11. Cartesian equations of a line AB are:-

    Write the equation of a line passing through (1, 2, 3) parallel to AB.
  12. Write the position vector of a point dividing the line segment joining points A and B with position Vectors externally in the ratio 1 : 3 , where and .
  13. If find a unit vector in the direction of
  14. If = 2j+2 k b = 3i – 5k find
  15. Find ‘λ’ so that vectors are perpendicular .
  16. Find the Cartesian and vector equations of a line which passes through the point (1,2,3) and is parallel to the line
  17. Find the unit vector perpendicular to the vectors a = i + 3j + 4k and b = 2i – j – 3k.
  18. What is the value of i∙ ( j x k ) + j ∙ ( k x i ) + k ∙ ( i x j ) ?
  19. Write all unit vector in X Y plane.
  20. Find a vector of magnitude 9 units, which is perpendicular to both the vectors


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Submitted By Mrs. E.Praveen
Email Id : [email protected]