CBSE Important Questions

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Matrices and Determinants (1 Mark questions)

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  1. If A is 3x4 matrix and B is a matrix such that A’B and BA’ are both defined, then find the order of matrix B .
  2. If a square matrix A be singular find the matrix A ( adj A ).
  3. If A is an invertible matrix of order 2 and det (A) = 5, then find det ( A-1) .
  4. Evaluate .
  5. If A and B are symmetric matrices of same order. Prove that AB-BA is skew symmetric matrix.
  6. For what value of k, the matrix is singular.
  7. If A and B are symmetric matrices then show that AB-BA will be skew-symmetric.
  8. If be singular matrix, then find then find the value of ‘x’ ?
  9. If A and B are two matrices such that AB =A and BA = B then what is value of B2.
  10. If is additive inverse of . Find x, y, z and t .
  11. Construct 3x2 matrix If A = [aij] where aij = { i+j, if i > j ; i-j, if i< j }.
  12. Construct a 2 x 2 matrix A= [ aij ] whose elements are given by .
  13. If find the values of a and b.
  14. Find value of x, If matrix is not invertible.
  15. is a skew symmetric, find value of x.
  16. Construct a 2x2 matrix A = [aij] whose element are given by .
  17. For any 2 x 2 matrix, if , then find |A|.
  18. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = A. Find the value of (I+A)3 – 7A.
  19. Find the cofactor of (1, 2) th entry in the given matrix .
  20. If a matrix is both is symmetric and skew symmetric, then show that it is a null matrix.
  21. If B is a skew symmetric, write whether the matrix (ABA ) is symmetric or skew symmetric.
  22. Which type of matrix is this?


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Submitted By Mrs. E.Praveen
Email Id : [email protected]