CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Multimedia & Web Technology > Multimedia & Web Technology By Mr. Sudhir


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r) Describe any two advantages of networking.


  1. .Resource Sharing- a file,application or any peripheral device available with one computer can be accessed by users from other computers through a network.
  2. High Reliability- if one computer is not functioning the data can be accessed from the other computer.

s) Name any two guided and two unguided media.
Guided Media : coaxial cable , Fiber Optic Cable
UnGuided Media : Radio Link , Microwave link

t) Name the transmission media that use electromagnetic waves ranging in frequencies between

  1. 3 KHz and 1 GHz

Ans: radio link

  1. 1 GHz and 300 GHz

Ans: microwave

u) Name the transmission media that can be used in

  1. Sparsely populated areas

Ans: satellite

  1. Unidirectional

Ans: microwave

v) Define communication protocol. Name all three key elements of a protocol.

Ans: A protocol is a set of rules that governs data communications. It represents an agreement between the communicating devices on how the communication is to proceed.
The three key elements of a protocol are 1. Syntax 2. Semantics 3.Timing

w) What are the role of TCP and IP in TCP/IP protocol?

Ans: TCP is a protocol for communication between computers used as a standard for transmitting data over networks and is the basis for standard internet protocols. IP obtains the address and TCP guarantees delivery of data to that address.

x) Differentiate between Baud and bits .

Ans: Baud is a unit of measure of transmission speed in modems.where as bits per second is a data rate. In other words , in transportation , a baud is analogous to a car , and a bit is analogous to a passenger.

y) Define point to point and multipoint video conferencing.

Ans. A two-person videoconference is known as point–to-point. While more than two people involved in a session is a multipoint conference.

z) How is the Cookies relate to network security?

Ans: Cookies provide a means of identifying visitors. It also keeps

  1. Personal Information
  2. Information about an online transaction


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Submitted By Mr. Sudhir
Email Id : [email protected]