CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2012 > Economics > Economics By Mr. Raghuvanshi Kuldeep

Economics - CBSE CLASS XII

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Set - II

Section: A  -Micro Economics

Q.1. Define marginal opportunity cost          For - 1 Mark

Q.2. Define budget line.          For - 1 Mark

Q.3. What  will you say about TE in situation of unitary elastic Ed ,if price are fallings?      For - 1 Mark

Q.4. Define cost function.          For - 1 Mark

Q.5. Define excess demand          For - 1 Mark

Q.6. Distinguish between positive and normative statements .Give one example of each.          For - 3 Mark

Q.7.Define MU how it is related with TU? Use diag.          For - 3 Mark


Q.. Distinguish  between decrease in demand and decrease in quantity demanded?

Q.8. On the basis of information given below , compare the price elasticities of good A and B          For - 3 Mark

Price per unit(Rs) TE Price per unit(Rs) TE
4 20 3 15
5 30 4 24

Q.9. i . What will be the rate of TPP if MPP  is negative?          For - 3 Mark                                                       

ii. Is STC zero at zero level of o/p? (Y/N)

iii. What would be the shape of  price line   if  TR curve is a horizontal line .

Q.10 .State three ways in which an oligopoly firm may behave          For - 3 Mark

Q.11. Why  is  consumer equilibrium   attained at that point where Mux= Px.MU of money?          For - 4 Mark


Q..Let A and B are two related goods. How  will  the change in price of A    effect the demand for good B?

Q.12.IS MC = MR condition sufficient for determining producer equilibrium ?Explain          For - 4 Mark

Q.13. What does  AFC  look like? Why does it look so? Explain with diagram.          For - 4 Mark

Q.14 . A. Define IC curve. Why it is –vly slopped downward?

B. Explain the inverse relationship between the price of a commodity and its demand?          For - 3 + 3 Marks

Q.15 . What are the different phases of the behavior  of total product in the law of variable proportion . Use diagram. Also state the reason behind behavior of each phase          For - 6 Marks

Q.16 . i. Explain the implications of “ free entry and exit “ of a firm under the perfect market.  

ii. Explain the mutual inter dependency of  a firm under the oligopoly.          For - 3 + 3 Marks

Section2 : Macro Economics

Q.17 . Define transfer payments          For - 1 Mark

Q.18 .Name two components money supply.         For - 1 Mark

Q.19 . Define legal reserve ratio          For - 1 Mark

Q.20 . Define investment demand function          For - 1 Mark

Q.21. If exchange rate increase from Rs 40 to $1 =R45 what will happen with exports?          For - 1 Mark

Q.22 . Calculate compensation of employee          For - 3 Mark

Item Rs
Wages  and salaries paid in cash  20000 
 Free accommodation and uniform 4000
Insurance Premium paid by the employee 500
Employers contribution to PF  2000
Income tax paid by the employee 1500
Bonus  700


Q . Why should the aggregate expenditure of an economy be equal to the factors payment ?

Q.23. Distinguish between intermediate goods and final goods. Give two example of each.           For - 3 Mark

Q.24. Define money supply explain its components.           For - 3 Mark

Q.25. Explain “lenders to the last resort”  function of the  central bank.            For - 3 Mark

Q.26. If value of domestic currency appreciate in  comparison of  German Mark. Explain its impact on exports  and imports of domestic  economy with Germany.           For - 3 Mark

Q.27. How is money supply is measured in India by RBI?            For - 4 Mark

Q.28. What are the basis used to classify the tax receipts into direct  tax and indirect tax?            For - 4 Mark

Q.29. If mpc is 0.9. What will be the value of Investment multiplier. How much additional investment is required to increase the NY by Rs.5000 cr.


Q . Why equilibrium level of income/o/p and employment is occurred  before or after the full employment  is attained             For - 4 Mark

Q.30 . In an economy  s= -50 + .5Y is the saving function and investment expenditure is Rs 7000 cr. Calculate             For - 6 Mark
(a) Equilibrium level of  national income
(b)Consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of  income
(c)Value of investment multiplier


Q . Explain the concept of under employment equilibrium by using C,I approach.Show on the same  diagram the additional investment expenditure required to reach full employment equilibrium

Q.31. A. Give the meaning of Nominal GDP and Real GDP. Which of these is the indicator of economic  welfare
B. Define revenue deficit. State its implications.����          For - 3 + 3 Marks

Q.32 . calculate (a) personal disposable income and ,(b) National income from the following data             For - 6 Mark

Item Rs in Cr
1 Rent 1000
2  Mixed income of self employed 4000
Profit  1500
Income from domestic product accuring to private sector 3000
Compensation of employees 35000
Reimbursement to the employee for medical expenses 1000
consumption of  fixed capital   500
Excess of fact or income to rest of the world
Over factor income from rest of the world
Excess of imports over exports 400
Corporate profit tax 200
 Net   retained earnings of private enterprises 1200
 Interest 700
Net indirect tax 540
Direct personal tax 200

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Prepared By: Mr. Raghuvanshi Kuldeep
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