CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2012 > Economics > Economics By Mr. Raghuvanshi Kuldeep

Economics - CBSE CLASS XII

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Set - V

Section: A  -Micro Economics

Q.1.What do you mean by    production possibilities of an economy?          For - 1 Mark

Q.2.Define budget set.          For - 1 Mark

Q.3.If Ed is more  than unitary. What would happen  with price if TE is decreasing.          For - 1 Mark

Q.4.Define normal profit          For - 1 Mark

Q.5 . What do you mean by price discrimination?          For - 1 Mark

Q.6.How does the “ massive unemployment”   affect the PPC? Explain           For - 3 Mark

Q.7. IC curve is always convex to the origin, Why?           For - 3 Mark


Q.. Starting from the point of consumer equilibrium, suppose MU of rupees increase .How it will affect the quantity demanded?

Q.8 . A  5% fall in price of a commodity leads to 10% rise in its demand. A consumer buys 40 units of the good at a price of Rs 10 per unit. How many units will the consumer buy at a price of Rs12 units?           For - 3 Mark

Q.9 . What is the relation between market price and AR of a price taking firm?�           For - 3 Mark

Q.10 . Distinguish between monopoly and oligopoly competition.           For - 3 Mark

Q.11 .�Which of the  following commodity  have inelastic demand . give reason in support of your answer           For - 4 Mark
        A.  Salt,   b.    Rent   , c. School uniform,    d. medicine

Q.12 .A . IF TPP is parallel to the x-axis, what would be the shape of APP?            For - 4 Mark
B. What would be the rate of TPP if MPP falls but remain positive?
C. If MC is rising What you will say about TVC?
D. Is TC zero at zero level of output in short run?  Give reason.


Q.. A. Give the relationship between TR  , market price and quantity sold by a firm.
B. When a firm is able to sell more of o/p at same price ,what will be the relation between TR  and MR
C. If MR is negative what would happen  with price?

Q.13 . Distinguish between gross profit and net profit           For - 4 Mark

Q.14 . Define MRSxy . Why does it diminishes? Use diagram and schedule           For - 6 Mark

Q.15 . State whether the following statements are true false. Give reason           For - 6 Mark
A. When MR is constant  and not equal to Zero then TR will also be constant.
B.As soon as MC start rising  AVC also start risingC.TP always increase whether there is Increasing returns   or diminishing returns to a factor.


Q..With the help of following information find out  the level of max. profit by MR-MC approach

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6
AR 7 7 7 7 7 7
TC 8 15 21 26 33 41

Q.16 . Given market equilibrium  of a good what are the  affect of simultaneous increase in both dd and supply of that good on its price and quantity
          For - 6 Mark

Section2  Macro Economics

Q.17. Define autonomous consumption.          For - 1 Mark

Q.18 . Define investment dd function          For - 1 Mark

Q.19 . What do you mean by SLR ?          For - 1 Mark

Q.20 . Purchase of a machinery is recorded in which account of BOP.          For - 1 Mark

Q.21.Define spot Exchange rate.          For - 1 Mark

Q.22 . equilibrium of National income always strike at full employment level ?          For - 3 Mark

Q.23 . Calculate  value of output from the following data          For - 3 Mark

Item Rs
Subsidies  20
Intermediate consumption  110
Net addition to stock (-)13
Consumption of  fixed capital 30
Excise duty 20
Net value added at factor cost  250

Q.24 . Are the followings transactions entered on the debit side  or the credit side in BOP a/c? Give reason
( a ) Exports
( b ) Imports
( c ) Borrowings from the rest of the world


Q.. Are the concept of demand for domestic goods and domestic demand for  godds same?  Use example          For - 3 Mark

Q.25 . Distinguish between legal money and demand deposits. Give two example of each          For - 3 Mark

Q.26 . Define Official Reserve  transactions. Explain their importance in BOP account          For - 3 Mark

Q. 27 .Explain with the help of numerical example how an increase in investment in an economy effects its level of income output and employment
         For - 4 Mark

Q. 28 . Explain the reallocation function of budget.          For - 4 Mark


Q. Giving reason  categorized the followings into  direct tax and indirect tax
( a )Corporate profit tax
( b ) Profit tax
( c ) Entertainment tax
( d ) Gift tax

Q.29 .  A. Distinguish between Developmental and non developmental  expenditure          For - 4 Mark
B.  Distinguish between Fiscal deficit and primary deficit

Q.30 .  Calculate  (i) NDPfc ,  (ii)  gross national disposable income          For - 6 Mark

Item   Rs in cr.
Government final consumption expenditure 2000
Net factor income to abroad - 50
Gross  domestic capital formation  700
Change in  stock - 40
Net domestic capital formation  650
Net indirect tax 200
Net current transfers from rest of the world 700
Net exports  -600
Profit 700
Private final consumption expenditure  6000

Q.31 . Will the following included in National income. Give reason in support of your answer           For - 6 Mark

  1. Brokage payment on sale of share.
  2. School fee paid by students
  3. Expenditure  on the construction of office building
  4. Festival gift  to its employee by employer

Q.32 .Define  Inflationary gap. How can problem of deficient AD   be combated by  using  public expenditure?            For - 6 Mark


Q.( a ) In an economy planned  savings are greater than planned investment. How  can equality between two be achieved? Explain

( b ) Explain the  meaning of investment multipler? What can be  its minimum value and why?


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Prepared By: Mr. Raghuvanshi Kuldeep
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