CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Business Studies > Business Studies - by Mr. Satish Chandra


Business Studies

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Short Answer type Question Ist and IInd  (3 or 4 marks each)

  1. Explain how principles of management:
    1. help in optimum utilization of resources and effective administration,
    2. help the managers in meeting changing environment requirements.
  2. Why is training important for the employees? State any three reasons.
  3. What is meant by ‘Financial Planning’? State any two points of its importance.
  4. Mansi, a shoe manufacturer for school students, decided to maximize her profit by producing and distributing at large scale and thereby reducing the average cost of production.
    1. Identify the Marketing Management philosophy adopted by mansi.
    2. Explain this philosophy on the basis of
      1. Main Focus
      2. Means and Ends.
  5. Explain any three assumptions of Maslow’ need hierarchy theory.
  6. Explain that technique of scientific management which is the strongest motivator for a worker to reach standard performance.
  7. State any four points for importance of organizing function of management.
  8. Investment decision can be long term or short term. Explain long term investment decision and state any two factors affecting this decision.
  9. Explain the following ‘Rights of Consumers’:
    1. Right to informed
    2. Right to seek redressal.
  10. Atul is working in an organization. After every three monthly his manager transfers him from one department to another so that he may gain a broader understanding of all the departments of the organization. Name and explain the method of training Atul is undergoing .
  11. Explain ‘Increasing competition’ and ‘More demanding customers’ as impact of Government policy changes on business and Industry.
  12. Differentiate between ‘Objective’ and ‘Strategy’ as type of plans.
  13. “External sources of recruitment are considered better than internal sources.” Give any three reasons in support of this statement.
  14. Explain any three qualities of a good leader.
  15. Explain the role of marketing in a firm.
  16. “Planning is an important function of Management.” State any four reasons.
  17. “Organisation is the  harmonious adjustment of specialized parts for  the accomplishment of some common purpose or purposes.”
  18. “There is a close and reciprocal relationship between planning and controlling.” Explain the statement.
  19. What is meant by ‘Primary Market’? Explain any two methods of floating new issues in the Primary Market.
  20. “Financial market plays an important role in the allocation of scare resources in an economy by performing many important functions.” Explain any four such functions.
  21. Define planning. List any two limitations of planning.
  22. Explain by giving any three reasons why decentralization is important in an organization.
  23. Explain when and why the need in felt for having a framework within which managerial and operating tasks are performed to accomplish desired goals. Name this framework also.
  24. Explain the following money market instruments:
    1. Certificate of deposit
    2. Call money
  25. What is meant by ‘Product concept’ of marketing?
  26. Explain ‘Objective’ and ‘Strategy’ as types of plan.
  27. Blue Bird Ltd. Offers to its employees to issue shares at a price which is less than the market price.
    1. Name and  explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.
    2. Explain one more incentive of the same category.
  28. Explain the meaning of Financial Planning. Why is it important? Give any two reasons.
  29. State any two advantages and any two limitations of informal organization.
  30. “ Communication plays a key role in the directing function of management.” Do you agree? Give any four reasons in support of your answer.
  31. In the light of the Indian legal framework of consumer protection, explain the following:
    1. The Contract Act, 1982.
    2. The Essential Commodities Act, 1955
  32. “Controlling is forward looking.” Explain.
  33. Explain the importance of Financial Planning.
  34. “Sound Financial Management is the key to the prosperity of business.” Explain.
  35. Distinguish between capital market and money market.
  36. What is meant by ‘Channels of Distribution’? Explain the type of channels of distribution.
  37. Aman, Avneesh and Amrish have decided to start a business of manufacturing toys. They identified the following main activities which they have to perform:
    1. Purchase of raw materials
    2. Purchase of machinery
    3. Production of toys
    4. Arrangement of Finance
    5. Sale of toys
    6. Identifying the areas where they can sell their toys
    7. Selection of employees

    In order to facilitate the work they thought that four managers should be appointed to look after

    1. Production
    2. Finance
    3. Marketing
    4. Personnel
      1. Identify the function of management involved in the above mentioned para.
      2. Quote the lines from the above para which help you identifying this function.
      3. State the steps followed in the process of this function of management.
  38. ‘Some learning opportunities are designed and delivered to improve skills and abilities of employees whereas some other are designed to help in the growth of individuals in all respects’.
    Identify and explain the two concepts explained above.
  39. “Leadership is required only for less efficient subordinates.” Do you agree? Explain any four reasons in support of your answer.
  40. How does Controlling helps in ‘achieving objectives’ and improving employee’ morale’?
  41. Explain any four responsibilities of the consumer to safeguard his interests.
  42. Explain how ‘planning reduces the risk of uncertainty’.
  43. What is meant by ‘informal organisation’? List any two limitations of informal organization.
  44. There are some barriers in communication which are concerned with encoding and decoding of message. State any three such barriers.
  45. Explain any three merits of ‘packaging’.
  46. Nature of a ‘capital market’ can be well explained with the help of its features. State any three such features of a capital-market.
  47. Explain ‘Procedure’ and ‘Programme’ as types of plans , with a suitable example.
  48. To avoid the problem of shortage and surplus of funds what is required in financial management? Name the concept and explain its any three points of importance.
  49. Explain the following rights of a consumer:
    1. Right to choose
    2. Right to be informed
  50. State any four reasons why staffing is needed in an organization?
  51. ‘It is only motivation through which the managers can inspire their subordinates to give their best to the organisation. In the light of this statement explain any four points of importance of motivation.


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Submitted By : Mr. Satish Chandra
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