CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Business Studies > Business Studies - by Mr. Satish Chandra


Business Studies

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  1. Explain any five regulatory functions of Securities and Exchange Board’s of India (SEBI).
  2. Define marketing management. State any three objectives of marketing management.
  3. “Financial management is based on three broad financial decisions.” Explain these decisions.
  4. You are a toothpaste manufacturer and you have introduced a new brand of toothpaste in the market. How will you determine the price of this product? Explain any three points.
  5. “Advertising is a social waste as it adds to cost, undermines social values and confuses the buyer.” Explain how.
  6. “Coordination is not a separate function of management. It is the essence of management.” Explain with the help of a suitable example.
  7. Explain any two reasons why proper understanding of management principles is necessary.
  8. Explain any five points of importance of planning for a large business enterprise.
  9. Why was the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) set up? Explain any four objectives of SEBI.
  10. ‘Bending the customer according to the Product’ and ‘Developing the product according the customer-needs’ are the two important concepts of marketing management. Identify the concepts and differentiate between the two.
  11. What is meant by ‘Divisional structure’ of an organization. Explain any two advantages and two limitations of its.
  12. What is meant by ‘Formal Organisation’? Explain any five features of formal Organisations.
  13. What is the meant by Internal Source of Recruitment ? Why do organizations prefer recruitment through internal sources? Explain.
  14. Explain the steps in the process of selection of employees..
  15. “Human beings can not be motivated only through monetary incentives; non-monetary incentives are also necessary to motivate them.” Explain any four such non-monetary incentives.
  16. What is meant by ‘communication’? Explain how communication is an important function of management..
  17. “ Determining of capital structure of a company is influenced by a number of factors.” Explain any four such factors.
  18. Explain any four factors affecting working capital requirement of a company.
  19. What is meant by packaging? Give any five points explaining why packaging is important.
  20. Explain the following sales promotion activities:
    1. Refund
    2. Instant draw and assigned gifts
    3. Full Finance
    4. Sampling
  21. Dheeraj is working as ‘Operation Manager’ in Tifco Ltd. Name the managerial level at which he is working? State any four functions he will perform as ‘Operations Manager’ in this company.
  22. Explain the following principles in management:
    1. Discipline
    2. Harmony, not Discord
  23. To satisfy the social and psychological needs which type of incentives are needed? Explain any four types of such incentives.
  24. Distinguish between National Stock Exchange of India(NSEI) and Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) on the following bases:
    1. Year of establishment
    2. Paid up capital
    3. Securities traded
    4. Duration of settlement
    5. Objective
  25. “Price of a product is influenced by many factors.” Explain any five factors influencing pricing.
  26. What is meant by ‘Divisional Structure’ of an organisation? Explain any two advantages and any two limitations of this structure.
  27. What is meant by ‘Delegation’? Explain any four points which highlight the importance of delegation in an organisation.
  28. Which sources of recruitment is needed to bring new blood in the organisation? Explain any three advantages and any two limitations of this sources.
  29. ‘Training is beneficial both for the organisation as well as for the employees.’ Explain any three benefits of training towards the organisation and any three towards for the employees.
  30. What is meant by ‘Budgetary Control’? State its four advantages.
  31. ‘Controlling is a systematic process involving a series of steps ‘ Explain.
  32. Explain any four factors which affect the fixed capital requirements of a business.
  33. Explain four factors which affect the capital structure of a company.
  34. ‘Advertising’ and ‘Personal Selling’ both are communication tools used by the marketers to promote their products. Yet they differ in their approach. Differentiate between the two by giving any six differences.
  35. The aim of ‘Marketing, and ‘Selling’ is to maximize profit. Yet they differ in their approach. Differentiate between the two by giving any six differences.


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Submitted By : Mr. Satish Chandra
Email : [email protected]