CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Chemistry > III- Faraday's laws of electrolysis (Numerical) By Mr. R. Srinivas Vasudevamurthy


Faraday's laws of electrolysis (Numerical)

12. Calculate the amount of chlorine gas liberated when a current of 1.5 amperes for 90 minutes is passed through molten NaCl. (Atomic mass of Cl = 35.5)

13. Silver is electrodeposited by passing a current of 0.2 amperes for 3 hours on a vessel of surface area 800 cm2 using silver nitrate as an electrolyte solution. Calculate the thickness of silver deposited..(Atomic mass of Ag=108) Density of Ag = 10.8 g/cm2

14. Electrolysis of a metal salt solution resulted in the deposition of 1gram of metal by passing 1.5 amperes for 2 hours. Determine the charge carried by the metal ion. (Atomic mass of the metal = 27)

15. Three electrolytes A,B and C containing solutions of ZnSO4 , CuSO4 and AgNO3 were connected in series. 1.5 grams of Ag deposited by passing 1.5 amperes. How long did current flow? Find the mass of copper and zinc deposited. ( Atomic mass of Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65.5)

16. How many coulomb of electricity is needed for the following reactions?

a) 2 moles of MnO4- to Mn2+
b) 1 mole of H2O to O2
c) 9 grams of Al from molten AlCl3 (atomic mass of Al=27)


Submitted By : Mr. R. Srinivas Vasudevamurthy