1. Explain the following terms:
a) average rate of a reaction
b) instantaneous rate of a reaction.
c) rate constant of a reaction
d) rate law of a reaction
e) order of a reaction
f) molecularity of a reaction.
2. What do you mean by pseudo first order reaction. Give one example.
3. Give one example each of
a) zero order reaction
b) first order reaction.
4. Derive integrated rate law for
a) zero order reaction
b) first order reaction. Show that t1/2 for
c) zero order reaction is directly proportional to initial concentration of the reactant.
d) first order reaction is independant initial concentration of the reactant.
5. Give differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.
6. What is activation energy? How is it related to rate constant K?
7. Give the unit of rate constant for
a) zero order
b) first order
c) second order reaction.
8. What is pseudo first order reaction? Give one example.
9. Mention the conditions a reactant has to satisfy to become product.
10. A+B
C+D Rate = PZABe-Ea/RT What is the significance of P and e-Ea/RT?
11. Draw the graph of reaction coordinate Vs potential energy for a reaction
a) with out catalyst
b) with catalyst.
12. Generally rate of a reaction doubles when the temperature is raised by 10K. Explain this statement with the help of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution curve.
13. Explain collision theory of reaction rate with an example.
14. Draw the graphs
a) concentration Vs time for reactant.
b) Concentration Vs time for product
c) concentration Vs time for a zero order reaction
d) ln[R] vs time for a first order reaction
e) potential energy diagram of a catalysed reaction.
15. What is meant by order of reaction being zero?
16. Half life of a reaction is inversely proportional to initial concentration of the reactant.
Determine the order of this reaction.
Submitted By : Mr. R. Srinivas Vasudevamurthy
Email: vasudm@yahoo.co.uk