CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Chemistry > Chemistry in everyday life by Mr. R. Srinivas Vasudevamurthy


Chemistry in everyday life - 3 Marks Questions

1. Explain the terms

a) Drugs
b) Medicine
c) Chemo therapy
d) Target molecule
e) Drug target

2. How are drugs classified?

3. How does enzyme act as drug target?

4. Explain the following terms with respect to drug enzyme interaction

a) enzyme inhibitor
b) competitive inhibitor
c) allosteric site.

5. How do receptors act as drug target?

6. Explain the following term with respect to respect to receptor as drug target

a) antagonist
b) agonist.

7. What are antacids? Give two examples.

8. Metal hydroxides are better antacids than hydrogen carbonates. Why?

9. Ranitidine and cimitidine are better antacids than metal hydroxides and hydrogen carbonates. Why?

10. Give two examples of antihistamine which are anti allergic.

11. While antacids and anti allergic drugs interfere with the function of antihistamine, why they do not with the  function of each other?

12. What are tranquilisers? Give two examples.

13. Why should not we take medicine with out consulting doctor?

14. Low level of noradrenaline is the cause for depression. What type of drug is needed to cure this problem? Name two such drugs. How do they react?

15. Name two tranquilisers suitable for relieving tension.

16. Name the tranquiliser used in controlling depression and hyper tension.

17. What are barbiturates? Give two examples.

18. Which among the following are tranquilisers? Ranitidine, valium, serotonin, and cimetidine.

19. What are analgesics? How are they classified? Give two examples each.

20. How does aspirin act as analgesic?

21. How does aspirin prevent heart attack?

22. Why should we avoid using narcotics as analgesic?

23. Morphine narcotics are referred as opiates. Why?

24. Mention chief uses of narcotic analgesic.

25. What are anti microbial drugs?

26. What are antibiotics? Give two examples.

27. What do you mean by bactericidal and bacteriostatic? Give three examples each.

28. What are

a) broad spectrum antibiotics
b) narrow spectrum antibiotics
c) narrow spectrum antibiotics? Give two examples each.

29. Name the antibiotic developed by Paul Ehrlich for the treatment of syphills.

30. Name the antibiotic which leads to the discovery of sulpha drugs.

31. What are sulpha drugs? Give two examples.

32. Name the antibiotic used to cure

a) typhoid
b) tuberculosis.

33. Classify the following as broad spectrum, narrow spectrum or limited spectrum antibiotics: Penicillin-G,  ampicillin, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, vancomycin and ofloxacin.

34. Name the antibiotic which is toxic towards certain strain of cancer cells.

35. What are antiseptics? Give two examples.

36. What are disinfectants? Give two examples.

37. How do antiseptic differ from disinfectant?

38. Name the substance which is used as antiseptic as well as disinfectant.

39. Mention the constituents of Dettol.

40.  Name the antiseptic added to soap.

41. What is tincture of iodine?

42. Classify the following as antiseptic or disinfectant: Furacin, soframycin, tincture of iodine, iodoform, boric acid, 0.1% phenol, 1% phenol, 0.2 ppm, Cl2 and very low concentration of SO2.

43. What are antifertility drugs? Give one example each of

a) synthetic progesterone
b) estrogen derivative which are used as antifertility drug.

44.  What are the main categories of food additives?

45.  Name the artificial sweetening agent used by diabetic patient.

46.  Why is aspartame limited to cold food and drinks?

47.  What problem arises in using alitame as a sweetening agent?

48.  Why do we need artificial sweetening agent?

49.  What is the advantage of sucralose as a artificial sweetening agent?

50.  What are food preservatives? Give two examples.

51.  What are soaps? Give the equation of the reaction involved in the preparation of soap.

52.  How is

a) Toilet soap
b) Transparent soap prepared?

53.  Which chemical is added to shaving soap to prevent rapid drying?

54.  Name the gum added to make shaving soap.

55.  Name the chemicals added to laundry soap.

56.  Name the

a) scouring agent
b) builder added to soap. Mention the function of each.

57.  Why does soap not work in hard water?

58.  What are detergents? Mention the advantage and disadvantage of soap over detergent.

59.  How are detergents classified? Give one example each. Mention the use of each.

60.  Write the equation of the reaction involved in the preparation of

a) non ionic detergent
b) anionic detergent.

61.  What are biodegradable and non biodegradable detergents? Give one example each.

62. If water contain calcium bicarbonate, out of soap and detergent which one will you use to clean clothes?     

63. Label the hydrophilic and hydrophobic part present in the following compounds:

a) CH3(CH2)10CH2OSO3Na

b) CH3(CH2)15 N(CH3)3Br


d) C9H19


64. Give one important use of each of the following:

i) terfenadine
ii) chlordiazepoxide
iii) Morphine
iv) dysidazirine
v) Norethindrone.


Submitted By : Mr. R. Srinivas Vasudevamurthy