CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Multimedia & Web Technology > Multimedia & Web Technology - by Mr. Amrit Chhetri


Multimedia & Web Technology

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Q. 1. What is a Web Server? What are the properties of ASP?

Web Server is a server engine. It provides the methods and properties that enables a ASP code to ommunicate with the engine. They include the following:

  1. Request Object: It retrieves information from a client.
  2. Response Object : It send the response information including html outputs to the client.
  3. Application Object: It stores the information about the application or web pages.
  4. Session Object : It stores the information about a particular client's session on the browser.
  5. AspError Object: It is used to obtain the information about the error conditions that occur in an ASP.
  6. Server Object: It is used to initialize the operations inside the web container. It includes reading a file.

The features of ASP are:

  1. ASP contains server-side scripts, objects and components.
  2. ASP adds dynamic contents to a web application or web pages.
  3. It retrieves the information from the client.
  4. ASP runs of web sever like MS IIS, Apache Web Server etc.
Q. 2. Differentiate between Procedure and Function.

Procedure is the code block that can be called anywhere in the program and it does not return any value to the calling block where as the functions are the block of the code that can be called anywhere in the program and it returns a value to the calling block or functions or procedure.

Q. 3. What is the use of Ad Rotator? What is SSI?

Ad Rotator component is used for controlling the rotations of the image in a ASP website.SSI(Server Side Include) is a simple programing language and it also allows to include a file into the asp code. Example of including file into a ASP page is give below:  

<!--#include virtual="/index.asp" →

Q. 3. Explain the use of the following ASP functions:

  1. LTRIM()
  2. RTRIM()
  3. TRIM()
  4. NOW()
  5. DATE()

The uses are given below:-

Functions Use Details
LTRIM() It is used to remove the blank space from the left side of a string.
RTRIM() It is used to remove the blank space from the right side of a string.
TRIM() It is used to remove the blank space from both sides of a string
NOW() It is used to get the current system time with date part.
DATE() It is used to get the current system date.
MONTHNAME() It is used to get the month name for a give month number.

Q. 4. Give the outputs of the following statements:

  1. Response.Write(RTRIM(“ S-COMMERCE    “)
  2. Response.Write(DATENAME(DATENAME(8/2+1)
  3. Response.Write(UBOUND(SPLIT(“ S-COMMERCE,M-COMMERCE “,”,”)))

The ouputs are:

  2. May
  3. 2


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Submitted By : Mr. Amrit Chhetri
Computer Science Trainer/Educator, Principal Business Consultant, Social Media Strategist
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