CBSE Open Text Based Assessment (OTBA)

Open Text-based Assessment for Class XI, March 2014

Open Text-based Assessment (OTBA) in the subjects of Geography, Economics and Biology of Class XI

  1. The Annual Examination in these subjects of Class XI will be conducted by the schools as per the past practice.
  2. The Question papers will be developed by the teachers as per the syllabus and question paper design prescribed by the Board.
  3. The Question papers in these subjects will have an OTBA section of 10 marks based on one of the open text materials supplied by the Board.
  4. The questions for the OTBA section will be supplied by the CBSE through Integrated Test Management System (ITMS) in the months of February/March 2014.
  5. With the inclusion of OTBA section of 10 marks the weightings of marks assigned to various
    units of the Geography, Biology and Economics Syllabus will proportionately reduce as shown

Geography (029) - Class XI (2013-14)

One Theory Paper 3 Hours 70 Marks

Part A. Fundamentals of Physical Geography

Unit-1: Geography as a discipline
Unit-2: The Earth
Unit-3: Landforms
Unit-4: Climate
Unit-5: Water (Oceans) Unit-6: Life on the Earth
Unit-7: Map and diagram 5 (Marks)

Part B. India-Physical Environment
Unit-8: Introduction
Unit-9: Physiography
Unit-10: Climate, vegetation and soil
Unit-11: Natural hazards and Disasters
Unit-12: Map and Diagram 5 (Marks)

Open Text-based Assessment

25 (Marks)





25 (Marks)




10 (Marks)

Total: 70 Marks

Economics (030) - Class XI (2013-14)

One paper - 3 Hours 90 Marks

Part A: Statistics for Economics

Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
Unit 3 Statistical Tools and Interpretation

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Unit 4 Development Experience (1947-90) 08
and Economic Reforms since 1991 08
Unit 5 Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 18
Unit 6 Development experience of India-A Comparison with neighbours


Open Text-based Assessment


(Unit 1 + Unit 2 )
13 Marks
27 Marks
40 Marks


8 Marks
8 Marks
18 Marks
6 Marks
40 Marks

10 Marks

Total: 90 Marks

Biology (044) - Class XI (2013-14)

Theory-one paper 70 Marks 3 Hours
UNIT Title Marks

Diversity of Living Organisms
Structural Organisations in Plants and Animals
Cell: Structure and Functions
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology

Open Text-based Assessment

06 Marks
10 Marks
12 Marks
16 Marks
16 Marks
60 Marks

10 Marks

  Total: 70 Marks