English Communicative – 2008 Comptt.

Q. 4. Read the following telephonic conversation between Sheela and Raghu. The call was for Raghu’s sister, Rani. As Raghu was going out immediately he left a message. Write the message in not more than 50 words. (5 marks)

Sheela : Hello! Could I speak to Rani?
Raghu : May I know who is on the line? Rani has gone out. This is her brother, Raghu.
Sheela : I am her friend, Sheela. Could you tell her that our friend Tina’s birthday falls on next Tuesday? So we have to purchase a greeting card for her. As I am held up with my volleyball practice, tell her to purchase the card this evening.
Raghu : OK, sure.
Sheela : And also tell her to go to J.K. Cards, where she can find a large collection. She also has to give an order for a birthday cake to Shilon Bakery, which is in the same complex where J.K. Cards is. If she wants she can take our friend, Roshini with her.
Raghu : OK, I will inform her.



Sheela had called to say that since she has been held up, she wants you to go to J.K. Cards to buy Tina’s Birthday card, as her birthday falls on next Tuesday. Also order a cake from Shilon Bakery, which is near J.K. Cards shop. If you want you can take Roshini with you.







Q. 5. You are Amrita/Rahul, 21, Mansarovar Colony, Chandigarh. You came across the following hints given in a news item. You are upset over the gross neglect of invaluable historical monuments.

Neglect of Historical Monuments

  • ancient monuments losing their shape
  • getting dilapidated
  • walls crumbling
  • roofs getting cracked
  • bricks and stone pieces losing plaster
  • disfigured by visitors

Using the hints given above and your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India expressing your concern about the neglect of historical monuments and to create awareness among the people. (10 marks)

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
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